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. 2021 Nov 1;12:733978. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.733978

Table 5.

Distribution of impairment severity, pain, and seizure problems from childhood to young adulthood by identified QoL trajectories in individuals with CP: SPARCLE cohort—France, Germany, Italy, and Sweden.

Psychological well-being Social relationships
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
(n = 67) (n = 22) (n = 34) (n = 65) (n = 38) (n = 16)
n % n % n % n % n % n %
I–II 32 47.8 14 63.6 15 44.1 37 56.9 15 39.5 8 50.0
III 12 17.9 3 13.6 7 20.6 12 18.5 7 18.4 2 12.5
IV–V 23 34.3 5 22.7 12 35.3 16 24.6 16 42.1 6 37.5
I 20 29.8 9 40.9 9 26.5 27 41.5 6 15.8 4 25.0
II–III 32 47.8 10 45.5 16 47.0 28 43.1 20 52.6 9 56.2
IV–V 15 22.4 3 13.6 9 26.5 10 15.4 12 31.6 3 18.8
≥70 35 52.2 10 45.4 20 58.8 44 67.7 12 31.6 8 50.0
<70 32 47.8 12 54.6 14 41.2 21 31.3 26 68.4 8 50.0
Seizure in the previous year
No (with or without medication) 60 89.6 17 77.3 27 79.4 57 87.7 27 71.0 16 100.0
Seizures 7 10.4 5 22.7 7 20.6 8 12.3 11 29.0 0 0.0
Frequency of pain in the previous week
None 35 53.0 7 31.8 10 29.4 24 37.5 21 55.3 7 43.8
Once or twice 15 22.7 5 22.7 9 26.5 16 25.0 7 18.4 6 37.5
Frequent 16 24.3 10 45.5 15 44.1 24 37.5 10 26.3 3 18.7
Missing 1 0 0 1 0 0
CP subtype*
Unilateral spastic 15 22.4 10 45.4 13 38.2 24 36.9 8 21.1 5 31.3
Bilateral spastic 34 50.7 8 36.4 15 44.1 31 47.7 15 39.5 9 56.2
Dyskinetic 13 19.4 2 9.1 6 17.7 7 10.8 11 28.9 2 12.5
Ataxic 5 7.5 2 9.1 0 0.0 3 4.6 4 10.5 0 0.0
I–II 31 46.3 14 63.6 18 52.9 37 56.9 17 44.7 8 50.0
III 12 17.9 1 4.6 4 11.8 11 16.9 4 10.5 2 12.5
IV–V 24 35.8 7 31.8 12 35.3 17 26.2 17 44.7 6 37.5
I 20 29.9 7 31.8 11 32.4 26 40 6 15.8 5 31.2
II–III 36 53.7 13 59.1 13 38.2 32 49.2 20 52.6 8 50.0
IV–V 11 16.4 2 9.1 10 29.4 7 10.8 12 31.6 3 18.8
Seizures in the previous year
No (with or without medication) 60 89.5 14 63.6 26 76.5 57 87.7 25 65.8 14 87.5
Seizures 7 10.5 8 36.4 8 23.5 8 12.3 13 34.2 2 12.5
Frequency of pain in the previous week
None 23 34.3 3 13.6 11 32.3 21 32.3 11 28.9 5 31.2
Once or twice 17 25.4 6 27.3 6 17.7 11 16.9 11 28.9 5 31.2
Frequent 27 40.3 13 59.1 17 50.0 33 50.8 16 42.2 6 37.5
Young adulthood
I–II 35 52.2 12 54.5 17 50.0 40 61.5 17 44.7 7 43.8
III 10 14.9 2 9.1 3 8.8 8 12.3 4 10.6 3 18.7
IV–V 22 32.9 8 36.4 14 41.2 17 26.2 17 44.7 6 37.5
I 21 31.3 7 31.8 13 38.2 29 44.6 7 18.4 4 25.0
II–III 28 41.8 10 45.5 11 32.4 26 40.0 16 42.1 8 50.0
IV–V 18 26.9 5 22.7 10 29.4 10 15.4 15 39.5 4 25.0
Seizures in the previous year
No (with or without medication) 62 92.5 16 72.7 29 85.3 63 96.9 26 68.4 14 87.5
Seizures 5 7.5 6 27.3 5 14.7 2 3.1 12 31.6 2 12.5
Frequency of pain in the previous week
None 27 40.3 2 9.1 5 14.7 16 24.6 15 39.5 2 12.5
Once or twice 16 23.9 5 22.7 5 14.7 17 26.2 5 13.1 2 12.5
Frequent 24 35.8 15 68.2 24 70.6 32 49.2 18 47.4 12 75.0

BFMF, Bimanual Fine Motor Function; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; IQ, intelligence quotient; CP, cerebral palsy.


Data only provided in childhood.