Subject |
Information |
Specific subject area |
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Type of data |
Image |
How data were acquired |
The skulls are segmented from head computed tomography (CT) scans using a customized thresholding technique. |
Data format |
Raw |
Parameters for data collection |
The selection of DICOM files was based on the image quality (e.g., slice thickness, fracture, scanning protocol). |
Description of data collection |
The dataset includes two types of skulls: the 500 healthy skulls, each of which contains the complete bony structures of a human skull and the 29 craniotomy skulls, where a part of the cranial bone is missing on each skull. |
Data source location |
Medical University of Graz |
Data accessibility |
The download link of this dataset can be found from the Figshare repository1:
Related research articles |
jianning Li, Gord von Campe, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Enpeng Wang, Xiaojun Chen, UlrikeZefferer, Martin Tödtling, Marcell Krall, Hannes Deutschmann, et al. Automatic skull defect restoration andcranial implant generation for cranioplasty. Medical Image Analysis, 73:102171, 2021. DOI: reference: [1]