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. 2021 Jun 29;24:100817. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2021.100817

Table 2.

Definitions for the annotation of FOG and the tasks during the FOG-provoking protocol.

Definitions video annotations
Freezing of gait (FOG)
Akinetic FOG Onset The moment the intention to move is first observeda and the participant is unable to do so, showing ‘clear sticking of the feet’ without considerable trembling movements in the legs.
Termination The moment of initial toe-off after the FOG when the participant is again able to perform at least two effective alternating steps with both legs showing no FOG-related features.
Trembling FOG Onset The moment when the foot of the participant is suddenly no longer producing an effective step forward and is displaying trembling in the legs, despite the participant's intention to continue walking, or the moment the intention to move is first observed and the participant is unable to do so, showing clear trembling in the legs.
Termination The moment of initial toe-off after the FOG when the participant is again able to perform at least two effective alternating steps with both legs showing no FOG-related features.
Festination Onset The first moment of toe-off when an abnormal and high-pace oscillatory stepping behavior is observed without considerable FOG-related features.
Termination The moment of initial toe-off when the participant is again able to perform at least two effective alternating steps with both legs showing no FOG- or festination related features.
Movement interruptionsb
Onset The moment a movement interruption is first observed - when the foot of the participant is not or is suddenly no longer producing an effective step forward (despite the task instruction to do so), without a definite indication to consider it either as a FOG subtype or as voluntary stopping.
Termination The moment of initial toe-off after the movement interruption when the participant is again able to perform at least two effective alternating steps with both legs showing no FOG-related features or the first moment a definite indication is observed to annotate it as FOG or voluntary stopping.

Task duration

As outcomec Onset The moment the researcher gives the ‘Go’ signal to start the task.
Termination The moment the participant has finished the task.
For calculation %TFc Onset The moment the first intention to start the task is observed.
Termination The moment the participant has finished the task.

FOG: freezing of gait. %TF: percentage time frozen.


An all-encompassing definition for the ‘first intention to move’ cannot be provided as this varies between situations and is therefore left for the interpretation of the expert rater. Examples are movements observed in the upper body, arms and/or clothing indicating an attempt to initiate the intended movement, multiple APA's during gait initiation, etc.).


Not included in the calculation of %TF.


The start of the Task is defined differently for task duration as an outcome on its own and for calculation of the %TF, as the duration for the patient to respond to the ‘Go’ signal can be indicative for impairment but would add noise to the calculation of %TF.