Figure EV2. PET imaging of ecDHFR in mouse brain with radioactive TMP analogs.
ARepresentative PET images (coronal, sagittal, and horizontal sections from left) generated by averaging dynamic scan data at 0–90 min after i.v. injection of [11C]TMP. Arrowheads indicate areas of accumulation of radioactive ligand in animals carrying ecDHFR‐EGFP (lower). White lines mark whole brain area as determined by MRI.
B[11C]TMP labeling kinetics. Volumes of interest (VOI) of fixed sizes were manually placed on paraventricular region exhibiting high‐level radioactive signals. Data from control (n = 7) and ecDHFR‐EGFP‐expressing mice (n = 7) were plotted as mean ± SEM. F(1, 12) = 22.05; P < 0.01 (two‐way ANOVA).
CRatios of averaged [11C]TMP radioactive signals in ecDHFR versus control brains.
DRepresentative PET images (coronal, sagittal, and horizontal sections from left) generated by averaging dynamic scan data at 0–180 min after i.v. injection of [18F]FE‐TMP. Arrowheads indicate areas of accumulation of radioactive ligand in animals carrying ecDHFR‐EGFP (lower). White lines mark whole brain.
E[18F]FE‐TMP labeling kinetics. VOI analysis was performed as described in panel c. Data from control (n = 6) and ecDHFR‐EGFP‐expressing mice (n = 6) were plotted as mean ± SEM. F(1, 10) = 326.1; P < 0.01 (two‐way ANOVA).
FRatios of averaged [18F]FE‐TMP radioactive signals in ecDHFR versus control brains.
Source data are available online for this figure.