(A) Control, HGF-treated, EGTA-treated, and recovered cells were stained for E-cadherin (green) and F-actin (magenta) to assess cell-cell adhesion. Bars = 10μm. (B) E-cadherin-actin colocalization was significantly lower in EGTA treated cells compared to control cells, indicating reduced cell-cell adhesion (n ≥ 30, N = 3). *, P = 0.034 versus control. (C) HGF treatment reduced intracellular compared to control cells, while there was no change in pressure following EGTA treatment or recovery (n ≥ 30, N = 3). *, P = 0.013 versus control. (D) HGF treatment significantly increased cell motility compared to control cells, while EGTA treatment and recovery caused no significant change to cell movement (n ≥ 30, N = 3). *, P < 0.0001 versus control.