Figure 4.
E2 effects on histologic tumor burden and tumor cell proliferation in bone. (A) Cytokeratin-positive breast cancer tumor area in hind limbs, normalized to bone area in mid-sagittal sections, 6 weeks post-ER+ tumor cell inoculation of 5- or 16-week old mice. There was no linear trend in tumor burden with increasing E2 doses, and no significant differences (n.s.) between E2 doses, or between young and mature mice treated with 0.72 mg E2, as tested by 1-way ANOVA with Sidak post-test (n = 3–9/group). (B) Proliferating, Ki67-positive cells in hind limb breast cancer tumors (% of total) 6 weeks post tumor-inoculation. There were no significant differences (n.s) in the proportion of Ki67-positive tumor cells between E2 doses [including the lowest (0.05 mg) and highest (0.72 mg)], or between young (5-week) and mature (16-week) mice treated with 0.72 mg E2, as calculated by 1-way ANOVA with Sidak post-test (n = 8–18/group).