lactating woman
active infection or uncontrolled disease except for malignancy that may pose unwarranted risk in administering study drugs to the patient
current use of illicit drugs or current evidence of alcohol abuse
scheduled to receive moderately or highly emetogenic chemotherapies from Day 2 to Day 5
received or scheduled to receive radiation therapy to abdomen or pelvis within 1 week before start of reference chemotherapy administration on Day 1 or between Days 1 and 5
any vomiting, retching, or nausea (grade 1 as defined by National Cancer Institute) within 24 h before start of reference chemotherapy administration on Day 1
symptomatic primary or metastatic CNS malignancy
known hypersensitivity or contraindication to 5‐HT₃ receptor antagonists, to dexamethasone, or to NK₁ receptor antagonists
known contraindication to i.v. administration of 50 mL 5% glucose solution
previously received an NK₁ receptor antagonist
participated in a previous clinical trial involving i.v. pro‐netupitant or oral netupitant administered alone or in combination with palonosetron
any investigational drugs (other than those given in this study) taken within 4 weeks before Day 1 and/or scheduled to receive any investigational drug during the present study
systemic corticosteroid therapy at any dose within 72 h before start of reference chemotherapy administration on Day 1
scheduled to receive bone marrow transplantation and/or stem cell rescue therapy
scheduled to receive any strong or moderate inhibitor of CYP3A4 or its intake within 1 week before Day 1
scheduled to receive any of the following CYP3A4 substrates within 1 week before Day 1: terfenadine, cisapride, astemizole, pimozide
received within 4 weeks before Day 1 or scheduled to receive any CYP3A4 inducer
any medication with known or potential antiemetic activity within 24 h before start of reference chemotherapy administration on Day 1 Cycle 1, including:
5‐HT₃ receptor antagonists
NK₁ receptor antagonists
benzodiazepines (except if the patient is receiving such medication for sleep or anxiety and has been on a stable dose for at least 7 days before Day 1)
prescribed cannabinoids
over‐the‐counter (OTC) antiemetics, OTC cold and allergy medications
history of or predisposition to cardiac conduction abnormalities, except for incomplete right bundle branch block
history of torsades de pointes or known history of risk factors for torsades de pointes
severe cardiovascular disease diagnosed within 3 months before Day 1 Cycle 1, including myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, significant valvular or pericardial disease, history of ventricular tachycardia, symptomatic congestive heart failure (CHF) NYHA Class III to IV, and severe uncontrolled arterial hypertension
any illness or condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, may confound results of the study or pose unwarranted risk in administering investigational product to the patient
concurrent medical condition that would preclude administration