Enhanced mitochondrial respiration slows endocytic recycling, leading to reduced L. monocytogenes infection levels
(A and B) Measurement of internalized levels of transferrin receptor (TfR) (A) and c-Met (B) in HCT116 Glc and Gal cells. The total internal TfR and c-Met fluorescence at each time point was quantified by confocal microscopy, and data from one representative experiment are shown as mean field intensity (MFI) per cell from a randomly chosen field of view (n ≥ 5 randomly chosen fields of view).
(C and D) Intracellular c-Met levels in uninfected (mock, same data as displayed in B) and L. monocytogenes EGDe-infected (MOI, 20) HCT116 Glc and Gal cells at 60 min as imaged by confocal microscopy. (C) Representative images of c-Met and cell nuclei in red and blue, respectively. Scale bars, 10 μm. (D) MFI values of the c-Met signal per cell are shown as mean ± SD from one representative experiment. Unpaired, two-tailed t tests were performed to determine statistical significance.
(E) Quantification of intracellular L. monocytogenes EGDe (MOI, 20) in HCT116 Glc and Gal cells transfected with control plasmid (pEGFP-N1) or a plasmid expressing constitutively active Rab11b (Rab11bCA) at 1 h post-infection. Three independent experiments were performed, and data from one representative experiment with three biological replicates are shown as % intracellular bacteria (mean ± SD). Statistical significance was determined by unpaired t tests (∗∗∗p < 0.001).