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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Med Genet A. 2021 Aug 9;185(12):3770–3783. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62450

Table 1.

Neuroradiology findings of patients with available imaging.

Study ID EAC Ossicles MEC & Mastoid Round & oval windows Cochlea Cochlear aperture Vestibule & SCC IAC Pons Other
1 - - - - - - - - Misshapen Slight IVH
3 N Thickened stapedial crura
Malleus fixation
Malformed incus
Under-pneumatized Lt mastoid air cells
Low tegmen tympani
Stenotic Lt oval & round windows N N Mildly dilated horizontal SCC & small bone island Flared Slightly short Metopic suture synostosis
4 N N N N Thick right modiolus Stenotic N N Slightly short Slight IVH
5 - - - - - - - - Slightly short Slight IVH
6 N Thick Lt stapedial posterior crus
Possible ossicular fixation
Malformed incus
Under-pneumatized mastoid air cells
Low tegmen tympani
N N N N N Misshapen Slight IVH
7 - - - - - - - - Misshapen Slight IVH
Malformed cerebellum
Delayed myelination
8 - - - - Malformed modioli & apical turns N N Flared Slightly short Slight IVH
9 N Thickened stapedial crura
Slightly malformed malleus & incus
Malleus ankylosed
Slightly under-pneumatized mastoid air cells Stenotic Lt oval & round windows Malformed modioli N Small bone island right horizontal SCC Flared Misshapen
12 - - - - - - - - Short Slightly uplifted vermis
Metopic suture synostosis
14 N Thickened stapedial crura
Lt malleus ankylosed
Malformed incus
Low tegmen tympani Slightly stenotic oval windows Dysmorphic modioli N N Flared Short Slightly uplifted vermis
Unilateral coronal suture synostosis
16 - - - - - - - - Slightly short
17 - - - - - - Malformed horizontal SCCs & absent bone islands N Misshapen IVH
20 - - - - - - - - Slightly short Slight IVH
Hypoplasia CC
Lobar HPE
Absent right olfactory bulb
22 Rt stenotic Rt tilted small monopod stapes
Lt short thick crura
absent IS joint
Malleus ankylosed
Incus malformed
Low tegmen tympani Stenotic oval windows & Lt round window Tapered, small middle turns
absent apical turns
Malformed modioli
Stenotic Absent posterior SCCs
Partial absence anterior limb superior SCCs
N Slightly short


Abbreviations: N: Normal; EAC: External auditory canal; MEC: Middle ear cavity; SCC: Semicircular canal; IAC: Internal auditory canal; IVH: inferior vermian hypoplasia; Lt: left, Rt: right; CC: corpus callosum; HPE: holoprosencephaly