Experimental Design of Longitudinal Mouse Exposure Study
Wild type (a/a), virgin dams (8-10 weeks of age) were randomly assigned to one of six experimental diets. They were mate-paired two weeks later with young (7.5 week old), virile, Avy/a males. Dams remained on their assigned experimental diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. Offspring were exposed to the diet in utero and via mother’s milk. All offspring were weaned onto the Control diet at postnatal day 21 (PND21). Only a/a pups were followed in this study. Thus, 10M offspring were consuming the control diet for nine months at the time of sacrifice and tissue collection. Sacrifices were performed at three time points: (1) dams: 4 days post-weaning (PND25), (2) offspring: at PND10, and (3) offspring: at 10M.