A, Immunoblot and corresponding densitometry analysis showing efficient knockdown of MFGE8 in MSC after 48 hours of MFGE8 siRNA transfection [Scrambled siRNA transfected cells serve as control (control Scr siRNA)]. Band intensity of individual protein was normalized to GAPDH loading control. B, Immunoblot showing deficiency of MFGE8 in exosome derived from MFGE8-siRNA transfected MSCs (MFGE8 KD MSC-Exo). Flotillin, another exosome marker is shown for reference. C and D, Immunoblot and densitometry analysis showing changes in phagocytosis-related signaling proteins in macrophages treated with MFGE8 KD MSC-Exo (MFGE8-siRNA transfected) as compared to control exosomes (scrambled siRNA transfected). Band intensity of individual protein was normalized to GAPDH loading control. E, qRT-PCR analysis showing downregulation of mRNA related to M2 macrophage phenotype in macrophages co-cultured with exosomes from MFGE8 KD MSCs. Data normalized to GAPDH mRNA and represented as fold change vs. control MSC-Exo group. n=3.