Figure 6.
Admixture graph models of Denisovan introgression into Philippine Negritos and Papuans
Admixture graphs for the null, alternative 1, and alternative 2 models indicating the number of archaic introgression events into Ayta Negritos and Papuans.
(A) Null model depicts a single Denisovan introgression event into the ancestral populations of Ayta Negritos and Papuans.
(B) Alternative 1 model depicts an additional admixture event into Ayta Negritos coming from a distinct and unsampled Denisovan population, after an admixture event in the shared ancestral population of Ayta Negritos and Papuans.
(C) Alternative 2 model depicts two completely separate Denisovan introgression events into the ancestral populations of Ayta Negritos and Papuans. Only alternative 1 and 2 models are not rejected (Z score = −1.181).
See also STAR Methods.