Immuno-EM localization of the CRAM protein in the CRAM-40 cell line. Panel A was probed with rabbit anti-CRAM (18 nm) and mouse MAb Ali I-218 (12 nm) directed against p67, a lysosomal glycoprotein characterized by Kelley et al. (22). The label for CRAM is observed on the flagellum. Panel B was probed with rabbit anti-CRAM (18 nm) and mouse MAb against GLP-1 (12 nm), a Golgi-associated transmembrane protein (29). An intense labeling with anti-CRAM appears on the surface of the flagellar pocket, and some label for CRAM is seen to be on the surface. fp, flagellar pocket; f, flagellum; g, Golgi; L, lysosome. Scale bars, 0.5 μm.