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. 2021 Nov 17;15(1):75–93. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2021.11.013

Table 1.

List of abbreviations.

Abbreviation Term Specification
AI Artificial intelligence
A-lines Arterial line
APLE Automatic pleural line extraction Feature extraction tecnique
AR Association rule Learning tecnique
BE Bagging ensemble Optimization technique
BGWO Binary grey wolf optimization Optimization technique
CNN Convolutional neural network
CSDB Channel-shuffled dual-branched
CSDB-DFL Channel-shuffled dual-branched with distinctive filter learning
CSSA Chaotic salp swarm algorithm Optimization technique
CT Computed tomography Imaging modalities
DBSN Deep Bayes-SqueezeNet Deep learning model
DL Deep learning
DNN Deep neural network
DT Decision tree Classification technique
DTL Deep transfer learning Deep learning model
ELM Extreme learning machine Classification technique
FE Feature extraction
FO-MPA Fractional-order and marine predators algorithm Feature SelectionTecnique
GLCM Gray level co-occurrence matrix
GLRLM Gray level run length matrix
KNN K-nearest neighbour Classification technique
LBGLCM Local binary gray level co-occurrence matrix
LD Linear discriminant Classification technique
LSTM Long short term memory Classification technique
ML Machine learning
MPA Marine predators algorithm Feature SelectionTecnique
MRFO Manta ray foraging optimization Feature SelectionTecnique
MVBCE Majority voting based classifier ensemble Classification technique
NB Naïve bayes Classification technique
NCR Non-convex regularization Optimization technique
NN Neural-networks
OS-ELM Online sequential extreme learning machine Learning tecnique
PARL Prior-attention residual learning Classification technique
PR Pattern recognition
QA Quality assessment
RBDR Ranking-based diversity reduction Optimization technique
RELBP Residual exemplar local binary pattern Feature extraction tecnique
ResNet Relative traditional residual network Deep learning model
RT-PCR Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
SF Shrunken features Classification technique
SFTA Segmentation-based fractal texture analysis Feature extraction tecnique
SLR Systematic literature review
SSN Semi-supervised network
SVM Support vector machine Classification technique
TL Transfer learning Classification technique
TRT Training radiology technologists
TVUS Transvaginal ultrasound Imaging modalities
US Ultrasound Imaging modalities