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. 2021 Nov 17;4(4):e434. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.434


The characteristics of reviewed articles

Author/year Journal/conference name Research objective Result Transplant type /sample size Effectiveness Self‐management Interaction (feedback/reminder/alarm) Interface Report Save data User support
1 Schenkel 38 /2020 American Journal of Transplantation Improve outcomes in lung transplantation. It is helpful in preventing readmission, reducing subsequent hospitalization days, and controlling hospital costs. Lung transplantation/28 + Remote monitoring Inspirational messages/there are two types of alerts: email notifications for noncritical values but out of range, and phone alerts for critical values. + Face‐to‐face communication between patients and providers.
2 Gomis‐Pastor 32 /2020 JMIR Cardio The main objective of this study was to describe the implementation of the mHeart model and to outline the main facilitators identified when conceiving an m‐Health approach. Improve therapy management, patient empowerment, and patient‐provider interactions. Heart transplantation/135 + Medication adherence Alerts, reminders, notifications, messages, and video calls. + + The software was interactive with additional human support; a website was also designed for providers.
3 Geramita 35 /2020 Transplantation To evaluate whether Pocket PATH had sustained effects on lung transplant recipients' medical regimen. Showed better adherence to the medical regimen than lung transplant recipients receiving usual care during the first year post‐transplant. Lung transplant/105 lung transplant recipients + Adhered to medical regimen Its features include alerts and reminders, and decision support tools guiding patients on when to seek transplant team assistance. + + Telephone
4 Lerret 43 /2019 Journal of Pediatric Nursing myFAMI intervention with family members of pediatric transplant recipients and testing the initial effect on post‐discharge. Facilitate patient/family‐nurse communication and family self‐management behaviors. Heart, kidney, or liver transplant/include 40 family + Remote monitoring The in‐app notification or prompt serves as a reminder. + Videoconference or a telephone
5 Levine 27 /2019 American Journal of Surgery A mobile app (Transplant Hero) for medication adherence for transplant recipients. Did not show an increase in medication adherence through the use of mobile health apps. Adult kidney, pancreas, and/or liver transplant recipient/A total of 108 patients Medication adherence Interactive alerts and reminders of patients in the use of their medications as well as the preparation of educational content. Not mentioned
6 McGillicuddy 28 /2019 JMIR Research Protocols Improve medication adherence and sustain blood pressure control among kidney transplantation recipients. Effectiveness of SMASK to improve medication adherence and blood pressure control in a group of hypertensive kidney transplant recipients. Kidney transplantation/80 + Medication adherence Automated reminders from an electronic medication tray; proportional text messages and motivational feedback, guided by the self‐determination theory, and auto‐summary report for providers. + + + Email
7 Taber 31 /2019 American Journal of Health‐System Pharmacy The development, testing, and preliminary validation of a technology‐enabled, pharmacist‐led intervention aimed at improving medication safety and outcomes in kidney transplant recipients. The study demonstrated improved monitoring, management, and goal attainment for hypertension and diabetes control along with patient acceptability and the feasibility of the m‐Health system. Kidney transplant/60 + Medication adherence Follow‐up survey/provider‐based feedback/reminders. + Text/telephone/email
8 Gomis 33 /2019 The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Measure the therapeutical adherence (TA) improvement by means of a personalized care program following heart transplant (HTx). The effectiveness of the pharmaceutical interventions implemented through the mHeart tool was high. Heart transplant32/ + Medication adherence Not mentioned. + Not mentioned
9 Cole 34 /2018 Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Demonstrate improved medication safety and CVD risk factor control in adult kidney transplant recipients at least one‐year posttransplant with a functioning graft. The study will provide important and novel information regarding potential interventional methods to improve CVD risk factor control using innovative technology and pharmacist‐led interventions. Kidney transplant/ + Medication adherence Not mentioned. + + Mentioned
10 Rosenberger 36 /2017 American Journal of Transplantation Examined Pocket PATH during the first year posttransplant. Pocket PATH exposure had no direct effect on outcomes. Lung transplant/182 + Adhered to medical regimen Alerts and reminders. + + Mentioned
11 DeVito Dabbs 37 /2016 American Journal of Transplantation The study was a randomized controlled trial comparing Pocket PATH and routine care. Outcomes were evaluated over 12 months. Support for the potential benefits of Pocket PATH, an m‐Health intervention to promote self‐management. Lung transplantation/201 recipients + Adhered to medical regimen Automatically sends a reminder to the patient feedback. + + + Not mentioned
12 Shellmer 7 /2016 Pediatric Transplantation The TPP prototype, an m‐Health application to promote medication adherence and strengthen communication on medication management between adolescents and primary caregivers, was developed and tested. TPP generally easy to use and effective in prompting adolescents to adhere to their medications. Adolescent solid organ recipients/7 ++ Medication adherence Warning system/reminder. + + NOT mentioned
13 Jiang 41 /2016 International Journal of Medical Informatics To examine the degree to which LTR followed decision support messages to report recorded critical values, and to explore predictors of appropriately following technology decision support by reporting critical values. The majority of LTR responded appropriately to mobile technology‐based decision support for reporting recorded critical values. Lung transplantation/96 + Remote monitoring Automatic feedback messages. + + Messages
14 Jiang 40 /2016 Applied Clinical Informatics To describe lung transplant recipients acceptance and use of mobile technology for health self‐monitoring during the first year posttransplantation. Correlates were different for short‐ and long‐term use of mobile technology for health self‐monitoring in the first year posttransplantation. Lung transplantation/96 ++ Remote monitoring Automatic feedback messages/reminding LTR to take action, including reporting the critical values to transplant clinicians. + + A user support manual and a toll‐free number were given to LTR to call for help with technical problems.
15 McGillicuddy 29 /2015 Progress in Transplantation Evaluate a mobile health pilot program to improve blood pressure and medication adherence. Improvements seen in medication adherence and blood pressure control were promising. Kidney transplant/19 ++ Medication adherence Electronically delivered medication and blood pressure reminder alerts, motivational and reinforcement messages for adherence, and the auditory and visual feedback of blood pressure control and medication adherence. Not mentioned
16 McGillicuddy 30 /2013 JMIR Research Protocols Assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes of a prototype mobile health (m‐Health) medication and blood pressure (BP) self‐management system for kidney transplant patients with uncontrolled hypertension. m‐Health intervention group exhibited significant improvements in medication adherence and significant reductions in clinic‐measured systolic blood pressures across the monthly evaluations. Renal transplant/20 ++ Medication adherence Feedback/reminder + Text, email, or phone