Figure 4. Adhesion junctions are enriched in subsets of cells during anterior morphogenesis.
A) Time-lapse images acquired using sweptfield microscopy show ventral views (anterior to the left) of an embryo expressing AJM-1::GFP (Fire LUTs). A zoomed-in region (150%) is shown underneath (yellow box; bottom right) with the pentagon foci, BFP and semi-circle of foci labeled in yellow, red and orange as indicated. Times are shown in minutes and the scale bar is 10 μm. B) Time-lapse images show ventral, en face views of an embryo expressing HMP-1::GFP (green) and DLG-1::RFP (magenta) during anterior morphogenesis. Times are shown in minutes, and the scale bar is 10 μm. C) Time-lapse images show ventral, en face views of an embryo expressing HMP-1::GFP (green) and lin-26p::VAB-10(ABD)::mCherry (magenta) during anterior morphogenesis. One of the images is duplicated below and labeled as in A). Times are shown in minutes, and the scale bar is 10 μm. D) Time-lapse images show ventral views of embryos expressing NMY-2::GFP (green). Zoomed-in regions (yellow box; 150%) show the anterior foci as labeled in A). Times are shown in minutes, and the scale bar is 10 μm. E) Cartoon schematics show the patterns of foci and associated proteins during anterior morphogenesis. The pentagon foci are in yellow, the BFP is in red, and the semi-circle of foci are in orange. Also shown are adhesion junctions (green) formed by the DAC and CCC, F-actin projections (pink) and amphid foci (blue). At early stages of anterior morphogenesis, the pentagon foci contain PAR-6, ANI-1, HMP-1 (CCC) and NMY-2, while the BFP contains PAR-6, HMP-1 (CCC) and NMY-2, and the semi-circle of foci contains PAR-6, HMP-1 (CCC), DAC and NMY-2. During mid and late stages of anterior morphogenesis, the pentagon foci and BFP also contain the DAC.