Amygdalin cream reduces local and systemic pro‐inflammatory cytokine expression, whereas vehicle exacerbates it. (A) Gene expression of the interleukins Il17α, Il1α, Il1β, Il6 and Ifnγ and the cytokines Tnfα and G‐CSF of ear samples from control (WT), DKO* without treatment, DKO*‐Amygdalin, DKO*‐Vehicle mice after 14 days of treatment. n > 5 per group. Statistical significance *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 (ANOVA, one‐tailed test). (B‐D) Quantification of IL17α, IL6 and G‐CSF production in sera of control (WT), DKO* without treatment, DKO*‐Amygdalin, DKO*‐Vehicle mice after 14 days of treatment. n > 4 per group. Statistical significance *p < 0.05 (t‐student two‐tailed test relative to controls and vehicle group).