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. 2021 Nov 17;65(12):e00895-21. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00895-21


PopPKa parameter estimates for the final model

Parameterb Values forc:
Final modeld
Fixed effect (%RSEf) IIV, %CV (%RSEf) Fixed effect (95% CI) IIV %CV (95% CI)
Infusion time, fixed (h) 0.810 FIXED 8.26 FIXED 0.810 FIXED 8.26 FIXED
F1 0.857 (0.965) 0.85 (0.834, 0.86)
Zero-order duration (h) 0.175 (28.3) 258 (7.39) 0.475 (0.441, 0.586) 210 (179, 221)
Ka (h–1) 1.47 (9.25) 77.0 (8.36) 0.964 (0.923, 1.03) 74.1 (70.1, 78.4)
Lag time (h) 0.226 (0.0376) 100 (5.47) 0.178 (0.135, 0.227) 119 (101, 129)
CL (liter/h) 5.39 (6.98) 32.2 (2.87) 5.48 (5.34, 5.6) 32.2 (30.4, 34.2)
 wt (power model)g 0.408 (10.2) 0.451 (0.411, 0.492)
 Infection (%) (linear model) 22.0 (39.3) 21.4 (18.7, 24.1)
Vc (liter) 58.5 (3.36) 25.2 (4.67) 59.1 (57.9, 60.4) 25.3 (22.6, 28.5)
 wt (power model)g 0.903 (3.53) 0.937 (0.886, 0.975)
 Infection (%) (linear model) 9.87 (37.4) 10.7 (8.81, 13.9)
 Diabetes (%) (linear model) −14.3 (22.2) −14.0 (–18.6, −9.49)
Q (L/h) 1.43 (4.09) 1.44 (1.36, 1.52)
 wt (power model)g Same as for CL Same as for CL
Vp (L) 15.6 (2.41) 15.8 (8.54) 15.8 (15.3, 16.4) 16.2 (13.7, 18.5)
 wt (power model)g 0.678 (6.87) 0.677 (0.609, 0.731)
Correlation CL-Vc (%) 62.1 (5.28) 61.9 (52.1, 68.5)
RV for non-phase 3 trials (%) 12.3 (1.36) 12.4 (11.8, 12.9)
RV for study 104 and phase 3 trials (fold)h 4.92 (4.63) 4.57 (4.13, 5.34)
RV for oral data (fold)h 2.01 (5.22) 2.23 (1.87, 2.66)

popPK, population pharmacokinetics.

Equations for the main model parameters:
CLi=TVCL(WT77.3)θWTCL(1 + θInfecCLINFEC)eηCLi
Vci=TVVc(WT77.3)θWTVc(1 + θInfecVcINFEC)(1 + θDiabVcDIAB)eηVci

where CLi, Vci, Vpi, TVCL, TVVc, TVVp, and TVQ represent the individual and typical parameter values, respectively, for CL, Vc, and Vp. θWT–xx represents the effect of body weight (WT) on the different parameters. θInfec–xx represents the relative effect of bacterial infection. θDiab–xx represents the relative effect of diabetes. Infection (INFEC) and diabetes (DIAB) are flag variables taking the value of 1 in case of infection or diabetes and 0 if otherwise. ηxxi represents the IIV. CL, clearance; F1, relative bioavailability; Ka, absorption rate constant; RV, residual variability; SAEM, stochastic approximation of expectation-maximization; SE, standard error; TV, typical volume; Vc, volume of distribution in the central compartment; Vp, volume of distribution in the peripheral compartment.


CV, coefficient of variation; IIV, interindividual variability; RSE, relative standard error.


Model parameters were estimated using SAEM from 9,756 PK observations in 1,312 individuals.


Mean and 95% confidence intervals were generated using only the successful runs (n = 432) from a nonparametric bootstrap (n = 1,000).


RSE obtained from the NONMEM R matrix computed on an importance sampling step. The relative SEs for omega and sigma are reported on the approximate standard deviation scale (SE/variance estimate)/2.


Volumes and CL are reported for a typical individual of 77.3 kg.


Fold increase on the square root scale.