Figure 2.
Quantitative assessment of γ-tubulin depletion by AID. (A) MTs are present in cells with undetectable levels of γ-tubulin. Doxycycline/IAA treatment induced degradation of γ-tubulin-mClover in the majority of the cells (two representative cells are marked in red circles). (B and C) TubG1-mClover signals in interphase (B) and mitosis (C). Cells circled in red or yellow circles were treated or untreated with doxycycline or IAA, respectively. Cells in mitosis were treated with nocodazole to depolymerize most MTs (remaining punctate signals correspond to centrioles). (D and E) Quantification of the mClover signal intensity in the indicated cell lines in interphase (D) and mitosis (E). Total cellular signal intensity was measured at a single focal plane that contained centrioles. Magenta dots indicate the cells for which an observer manually judged as “signals undetected”. Means and SDs are as follows (left to right): 23 ± 8, 366 ± 105, and 159 ± 111 (D); 17 ± 9, 296 ± 137, and 157 ± 113 (E). N stands for the number of observed cells. A.U., arbitrary units.