Figure S5.
Additional data on MTOC formation and MT regrowth in mitosis. (A and B) Centriolar MTs remain even after rigorous MT depolymerization with nocodazole (arrows). (C) MTOC formation in the absence of γ-tubulin, with or without SiR-tubulin in mitosis. The cells with undetectable levels of γ-tubulin are marked in red circles. Arrows indicate noncentriolar MTOCs. TPX2-mCherry was used to visualize MTs. (D) The time of new MTOC appearance after nocodazole washout in the absence of γ-tubulin with or without SiR-tubulin staining (18 ± 6 min [SD], 16 ± 5 min, P = 0.483, unpaired t test with Welch’s correction). (E) Total MTOC numbers did not change with or without SiR-tubulin staining. (F–H) MT regrowth after ch-TOG, CLASP1, or TPX2 degron treatment. Circles indicate the cells with undetectable levels of proteins. Note that γ-tubulin is intact in these lines. Scale bars, 10 µm. Blue and green arrows on the right panel indicate the centriole and noncentriolar MTOCs, respectively. (I and J) Total MTOC numbers per cell and the frequency of cells with MTs at 30 min after nocodazole washout. n values are listed within each graph.