(A) Participants rated in the MRI scanner how much they wanted or liked objects before (pre-test) or after (post-test) they won or lost these items in a game between the scanning sessions. (B) On each trial, a cue indicated whether a wanting or liking rating was required, followed by the presentation of the current object (here: a pick-up sticks game). Participants had to rate how much they wanted or liked the presented object within 3.5 s, then the next trial started after a variable inter-trial interval (mean = 3 s). (C) Liking ratings were significantly reduced for objects that were lost relative to won in the gamble, while wanting ratings did not significantly differ between lost versus won items. (D) The opioid antagonist naltrexone significantly reduced wanting ratings relative to placebo, while liking ratings were unaffected by naltrexone or the dopamine antagonist amisulpride. For illustration purposes, participant-specific mean wanting/liking ratings are plotted on a scale from 0 to 10, while the statistical analyses are conducted on the participant- and item-specific wanting and liking ratings. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean, black dots represent individual data points. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001.