Fig. 1.
Genome characteristics of Nephotettix cincticeps. (a) Circos tracks showing element distributions in 100-kb sliding windows from outer to inner: chromosome length, GC content, density of protein-coding genes, DNA transposons, SINE/LINE/LTR retrotransposons, rolling-circle, and simple repeats. (b) Gene family evolution and statistics of orthologs. Node values represent the number of expanded, contracted, and rapidly evolving families; “1:1:1” denoted the shared single-copy genes, “N:N:N” indicates multicopy genes shared by all species, “Others” are the unclassified orthologs, “Unassigned” are orthologs that cannot be assigned to any orthogroups. (c) Significantly expanded families. Families lacking functional annotations are not shown. Functional enrichment of GO (d) and KEGG (e) categories for significantly expanded gene families.