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. 2021 Nov 13;13:2065–2084. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S330986

Table 1.

Pathogenic and Likely Pathogenic Variants in SHE-Associated Genes

Gene c.DNA Nucleotidic Change Protein Aminoacidic Change Mutation Type Inheritance Frequency of Pathogenic Variants Function Effects
CHRNA416,17 c.851C>T p.Ser284Leu Missense Autosomal dominant (ADSHE) 2.9% Increased sensitivity to ACh
c.851C>G p.Ser284Trp Missense
c.920G>T p.Gly307Val Missense
CHRNB218–20 - V287L Missense Rare
- V287M
CHRNA221 Ile279Asn Non-synonymous substitution Rare
c.754T>C p.Tyr252His Missense
KCNT116,23,26 c.2800G>A p.Ala934Thr Missense De novo 1% Domain allosterically regulate channel opening and potassium ion permeation
c.1193G>A p.Arg398Gln
c.2386T>C; p.Tyr796His
c.2782C>T; p.Arg928Cys
c.2688G>A; p.Met896Ile
c.862G>A p.Gly288Ser
DEPDC516,33,34 c.1165dupC p.Arg389Profs*2 Frameshift Unknown 3.9% the highest Loss of inhibition of the mTOR pathway, resulting in overproliferation. Warning of FCDs
c.1264C>T p.Arg422* Nonsense Paternal
c.193+1G>A p.(?) Canonical splice- site variant Maternal
c.1225delA p.Thr409Hisfs*15 Frameshift Unknown
NPRL235 c.314T>C p.Leu105Pro Missense Maternal 1% Changing the GATOR1 protein complex, thus affecting the mTOR-signaling pathway
c.100 C>T p.Arg34*
NPRL335 c.835_836insT p.Ser279Phe fs*52 Frameshift Unknown -
CRH3739 c. 89C>G p.Pro30Arg Missense Unknown Alter the ability of the cell to promptly produce, process and secrete the mature hormone
PRIMA110,40 c.93+2T>C knockout of PRIMA1. Splice site Autosomal recessive (ARSHE) Enhanced cholinergic responses
STX1B42 C.106–2A>G Aberrant splicing/mRNA decay
CABP441 c.464G>A p.G155D Missense Unknown Decreases ion channel activation, leading to reduced Ca2+ concentrations
PPT142 c.433G>C p.G145R Autosomal recessive (ARSHE) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Tsc143 c.843del p.Ser282Glnfs*36 Unknown Unknown (mTOR) cascade dysfunction

Notes: Modyfied with permission from Licchetta L, Pippucci T, Baldassari S, et al. Sleep-related hypermo-tor epilepsy (SHE): contribution of known genes in 103 patients. Seizure. 2020;74:60–64. Copyright 2020, with permission from Elsevier.16

Abbreviations: SHE, sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy; ADSHE, autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy; ARSHE, autosomal recessive sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy; Ach, acetylcholine; DEPDC5, pleckstrin domain-containing protein 5; NPRL, nitrogen permease regulator-like; GATOR1, gap activity toward rags 1; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; FCD, focal cortical dysplasia; CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone.