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. 2021 Sep 30;10:e66721. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66721

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus, male) BALB/cAJcl-nu/nu CLEA Ten-week-old
Cell line (Homo sapiens) Lenti-X 293T Takara Bio Inc
Cell line (Homo sapiens) HeLaS3 K.Matsumoto (Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan) RRID:CVCL_0058
Cell line (Homo sapiens) S2-CP8 Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University RRID:CVCL_F971
Cell line (Homo sapiens) PANC-1 RIKEN Bioresource Center Cell Bank RRID:CVCL_0480
Cell line (Homo sapiens) BxPC-3 American Type Culture Collection RRID:CVCL_0186
Cell line (Homo sapiens) HPAF-II American Type Culture Collection RRID:CVCL_0313
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4C-EGFP This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CG2A-EGFP This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CT27N-EGFP This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CQ72L-EGFP This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CΔPBR-EGFP This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CG2A-EGFP-Cterm This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CΔPBR-EGFP-Cterm This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CG2A-EGFP-GRP1PH This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4CG2A-EGFP-PLCδPH This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4C-mCherry This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4C-tdTomato This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Transfected construct (Homo sapiens) ARL4C-FLAG-HA This paper Various mutants of ARL4C
Biological sample (Homo sapiens) Resected specimens of 57 patients with PDAC Osaka University
Antibody ARL4C (rabbit polyclonal) Atlas Antibodies #HPA028927 (WB 1:1000, IHC 1:50)
Antibody Clathrin (mouse monoclonal) BD Biosciences #610,500 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody EGR1 (rabbit monoclonal) Cell Signaling Technology #4,153 S (WB 1:1000)
Antibody β-catenin (mouse monoclonal) BD Biosciences #610,154 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody Ras (G12D) (rabbit monoclonal) Cell Signaling Technology #14,429 S (WB 1:1000)
Antibody Hsp90 (mouse monoclonal) BD Biosciences #610,419 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody HA (mouse monoclonal) BioLegend #901,502 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody HA (rat monoclonal) Roche #1867423001 (ICC 1:100)
Antibody GFP (rabbit polyclonal) Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific #A6455 (WB 1:4000)
Antibody GFP (mouse monoclonal) Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Biotechnology #sc-9996 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody FLAG (mouse monoclonal) WAKO #014–22,383 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody IQGAP1 (mouse monoclonal) Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Biotechnology #sc-376021 (WB 1:1000, IHC 1:800, ICC 1:100)
Antibody MMP14 (rabbit monoclonal) Abcam #ab51074 (WB 1:1000, IHC 1:200, ICC 1:100)
Antibody Cytohesin2 (rabbit polyclonal) Proteintech Group, Inc #67185–1-Ig (ICC 1:100)
Antibody Rac1 (mouse monoclonal) BD Biosciences #610,651 (WB 1:1000)
Antibody Cdc42 (rabbit polyclonal) Cell Signaling Technology #2,466 S (WB 1:1000)
Antibody CK19 (rabbit monoclonal) Abcam #ab52625 (IHC 1:100)
Antibody Mitochondria (mouse monoclonal) Merck Millipore #MAB1273 (IHC 1:100)
Antibody LYVE-1 (rabbit polyclonal) Abcam #ab14917 (IHC 1:100)
Antibody YAP/TAZ (rabbit monoclonal) Cell Signaling Technology #8,418 S (ICC 1:100)
Antibody Paxillin (mouse monoclonal) BD Biosciences #610,052 (ICC 1:100)
Antibody FAK(mouse monoclonal) BD Biosciences #610,087 (ICC 1:100)
Antibody P-Paxillin (Y118)(rabbit polyclonal) Cell Signaling Technology #2,541 S (ICC 1:100)
Antibody P-FAK (Y397)(rabbit monoclonal) Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific #44,625 G (ICC 1:100)
Antibody Cortactin(mouse monoclonal) Merck Millipore #05–180 (ICC 1:100)
Antibody ARL4C (rabbit polyclonal) This paper SAJ5550275 (ICC 1:100)
Recombinant DNA reagent pEGFPC2-IQGAP1 (plasmid) K.Kaibuchi (Nagoya University, Japan)
Recombinant DNA reagent pEGFP-mCyth2 (plasmid) J.Yamauchi (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Japan),
Recombinant DNA reagent pAcGFP-mPlcd1PH (plasmid) M.Matsuda (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
Recombinant DNA reagent CSII-CMV-MCS-IRES2-Bsd (plasmid) H.Miyoshi (RIKEN Bioresource Center, Ibaraki, Japan)
Recombinant DNA reagent pEGFPN3-hARL4C (plasmid) A.Kikuchi (Osaka University, Osaka, Japan)
Recombinant DNA reagent pEGFPN3-hGRP1 (plasmid) This paper Full length cDNAs of GRP1 ORF were reversely transcribed from mRNA extracted from MCF-7 cells.
Recombinant DNA reagent pEGFPN3-hMMP14 (plasmid) This paper Full length cDNAs of MMP14 ORF were reversely transcribed from mRNA extracted from U2OS cells.
Recombinant DNA reagent mRFP-FKBP-5-ptase-dom Addgene 67,516
Recombinant DNA reagent PM-FRB-CFP Addgene 67,517
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: randomized control This paper 5'-CAGTCGCGTTTGCGACTGG-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human IQGAP1#1 This paper 5'-GCTGCACATAGTTGCCTTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human IQGAP1#2 This paper 5'-CCCTAATGTAGAATGTCAT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human CYTH2#1 This paper 5'-GGATGGAGCTGGAGAACAT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human CYTH2#2 This paper 5'-GCAGTTTCTATGGAGCTTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human ARPC2#1 This paper 5'-GCCTATATTCACACACGTA-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human ARPC2#2 This paper 5'-CCTATATTCACACACGTAT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human MMP14#1 This paper 5'-GCAGCCTCTCACTACTCTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human MMP14#2 This paper 5'-CCGACATCATGATCTTCTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human KRAS#1 This paper 5'-GCATCATGTCCTATAGTTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human KRAS#2 This paper 5'-GTTGGAGCTGATGGCGTAG-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human CTNNB1#1 This paper 5'-CCCACTAATGTCCAGCGTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent siRNA: human CTNNB1#2 This paper 5'-GCATAACCTTTCCCATCAT-3'
Sequence-based reagent Antisense oligonucleotide: randomized control This paper T(Y)^a^g^A(Y)^g^a^G(Y)^t^a^5(Y)^c^c^A(Y)^t^c (Lower case = DNA; N(Y) = AmNA; 5(Y) = AmNA_mC; ^ = Phosphorothioated)
Sequence-based reagent Antisense oligonucleotide: ARL4C-1316 This paper G(Y)^5(Y)^A(Y)^t^a^c^c^t^c^a^g^g^T(Y)^A(Y)^a (Lower case = DNA; N(Y) = AmNA; 5(Y) = AmNA_mC; ^ = Phosphorothioated)
Sequence-based reagent human GAPDH_F This paper PCR primers 5'-TCCTGCACCACCAACTGCTT-3'
Sequence-based reagent human GAPDH_R This paper PCR primers 5'-TGGCAGTGATGGCATGGAC-3'
Sequence-based reagent human B2M_F This paper PCR primers 5'-TGCTGTCTCCATGTTTGATGTATC-3
Sequence-based reagent human B2M_R This paper PCR primers 5'-TCTCTGCTCCCCACCTCTAAG-3'
Sequence-based reagent human ARL4C_F This paper PCR primers 5'-AGGGGCTGTGAAGCTGAGTA-3’
Sequence-based reagent human ARL4C_R This paper PCR primers 5'-TTCCAGGCTGAAAAGCAGTT –3'
Sequence-based reagent human ARPC2_F This paper PCR primers 5'-AGATTTCGATGGGGTCCTCT-3'
Sequence-based reagent human ARPC2_R This paper PCR primers 5'-CCGGAAGATTTTCAAGGTCA-3'
peptide, recombinant protein FLAG peptide Sigma-Aldrich F3290
Commercial assay or kit Lipofectamine2000 transfection reagent Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific 11668019
Commercial assay or kit Lipofectamine LTX reagent Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific 15338100
Commercial assay or kit RNAiMAX Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific 13778075
Commercial assay or kit ViaFect Promega Corp. E4981
Commercial assay or kit TrypLE Express Enzyme Thermo Fisher Scientific 12604013
Commercial assay or kit PrimeSTAR Max DNA Polymerase Takara Bio Inc R045A
Commercial assay or kit In-Fusion HD Cloning Kit Clontech 639,649
Commercial assay or kit DakoReal EnVision Detection System Dako K500711-2
Commercial assay or kit Peroxidase-Blocking Solution Dako S202386-2
Commercial assay or kit G-Block GenoStaff GB-01
Commercial assay or kit Blocking One Histo nacalai tesque 06349–64
Commercial assay or kit rat tail type I collagen Corning Inc 354,236
Commercial assay or kit DQ-collagen type I Invitrogen D12060
Commercial assay or kit 3D microfluidic cell culture chip AIM Biotech DAX-1
Commercial assay or kit QCM Gelatin Invadopodia Assay (Red) Merck Millipore ECM671
Commercial assay or kit poly-D-lysine Sigma-Aldrich P6407
Commercial assay or kit Matrigel Growth Factor Reduced Corning Inc 354,230
Commercial assay or kit 6.5 mm Transwell with 8.0 µm Pore Polycarbonate Membrane Insert Corning Inc 3,422
Commercial assay or kit BioCoat Matrigel Invasion Chambers with 8.0 µm PET Membrane Corning Inc 354,480
Commercial assay or kit Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit nacalai tesque 15342–54
Commercial assay or kit protein A Sepharose beads GE Healthcare 17078001
Commercial assay or kit Dynabeads Protein G Thermo Fisher Scientific DB10003
Commercial assay or kit Pierce Silver Stain for Mass Spectrometry Thermo Fisher Scientific 24,600
Commercial assay or kit O.C.T. Compound Sakura Finetek
Commercial assay or kit NucleoSpin RNA MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH & Co. KG 740,955
Commercial assay or kit ReverTra Ace qPCR RT Master Mix TOYOBO FSQ-201
Commercial assay or kit Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific 23,227
Chemical compound, drug PD184161 Sigma-Aldrich PZ0112
Chemical compound, drug U0126 Promega Corp. V1121
Chemical compound, drug Rapamycin Cell Signaling Technology 9,904
Chemical compound, drug LY294002 Cell Signaling Technology 9,901
Chemical compound, drug VivoGlo luciferin Promega Corp. P1043
Software, algorithm HALO Indica Labs RRID:SCR_018350
Software, algorithm NanoZoomer-SQ Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
Software, algorithm UCSC Xena browser RRID:SCR_018938
Software, algorithm Kaplan–Meier plotter RID:SCR_018753
Software, algorithm GraphPad Prism 8 GraphPad Software. RRID:SCR_002798
Software, algorithm Excel Toukei ESUMI Co., Ltd.
Software, algorithm Imaris Bitplane RRID:SCR_007370
Software, algorithm Image J National Institutes of Health RRID:SCR_003070
Software, algorithm Living Image 4.3.1 Software Caliper Life Sciences RRID:SCR_014247
Software, algorithm ikra v1.2.2 (Yu et al., 2019)
Software, algorithm iDEP.90 (Ge et al., 2020)
Software, algorithm Ingenuity Pathway Analysis IPA; Qiagen RRID:SCR_008653
Other LSM880 laser scanning microscope Carl Zeiss
Other BZ-9000 Keyence
Other IVIS imaging system Xenogen Corp.
Other Hoechst33342 Invitrogen H1399
Other Alexa Fluor 488 Phalloidin Invitrogen A12379
Other Alexa Fluor 546 Phalloidin Invitrogen A22283
Other Alexa Fluor 647 Phalloidin Invitrogen A22287
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure