Changes in gene expression in adenomyotic uteri in neonatal and adult mice. mRNA for each gene was quantified by qPCR; the expression level was calculated using the 2– Δ Ct method and was normalized against β–actin. Genes are grouped and plotted in panels (A–C), according to their relative expression levels. Note that α-SMA, Col1a1, Col3a1, Esr1, and Oxtr1 were changed in the same direction in both age groups, while E-cadherin and Tgbr1 were up-regulated only at PND14, and β-catenin was changed in the opposite direction between two groups. N.S., no statistical significance, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 with unpaired Student’s t-test (N = 3 repeats in A–C with 3 (adult) or 9 (neonate) mice in each repeat). Ctrl, vehicle treatment; Adeno, tamoxifen treatment; PND, postnatal day.