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. 2021 Nov 17;11:22386. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-01899-8

Table 2.

Characteristics of study subjects at baseline, 3, and 6 month visits.

Baseline 3 months 6 months
Blephasteam (n = 37) TheraPearl (n = 33) P-valuea Blephasteam (n = 34) TheraPearl (n = 28) P-valueb Blephasteam (n = 25) TheraPearl (n = 23) P-valuec
Mean age 52.2 (46.8, 57.6) 55.1 (49.1, 61.2) 0.46 53.4 (47.8, 59.1) 57.1 (50.8, 63.5) 0.38 52.8 (46.4, 59.2) 58.0 (51.4, 54.6) 0.25
Sex (female) 70.3% 69.7% 0.96 69.7% 67.9% 0.88 62.5% 77.3% 0.28


(31.9, 45.5)

32.9 (26.1, 39.7) 0.23 24.5 (17.1, 31.8) 22.0 (14.2, 29.8) 0.64 23.2 (14.3, 32.2) 21.2 (14.8, 27.6) 0.70
FBUT (s) 4.7 (4.0, 5.4) 4.9 (4.0, 5.8) 0.74 7.2 (5.9, 8.4) 7.3 (5.5, 9.1) 0.88 8.5 (6.6, 10.3) 6.8 (5.2, 8.4) 0.16
OSS 1.50 (1.00, 1.50) 1.00 (1.00, 1.01) 0.58 1.50 (1.49, 2.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)  < 0.01 1.50 (1.00, 2.50) 2.00 (1.50, 2.50) 0.17
Schirmer’s test (mm/5 min) 17.7 (14.2, 21.2) 18.9 (14.9, 22.9) 0.66 17.8 (14.0, 21.8) 17.4 (13.2, 21.5) 0.86 22.3 (17.2, 27.5) 17.1 (13.0, 21.2) 0.11
MQ 7.00 (6.50, 8.00) 6.50 (5.50, 7.50) 0.76 5.5 (4.5, 6.0) 5.5 (5.0, 6.5) 0.53 5.50 (4.50, 6.50) 5.00 (4.50, 6.00) 0.40
ME 2.00 (2.00, 2.50) 2.00 (1.50, 2.00) 0.84 1.50 (1.49, 1.50) 1.50 (1.00, 1.50) 0.81 1.00 (1.00, 1.50) 1.50 (1.00, 2.00) 0.34

Values are displayed as means with a 95% confidence interval.

†Median values were reported.

ap-value between the two groups at baseline.

bAt 3 months.

cAt 6 months. P-values given in bold are considered statistically significant.

OSDI ocular surface disease index measured on a scale from 0 to 100, FBUT fluorescein breakup time, OSS ocular surface staining scored with the Oxford grading scheme from 0 to 1542, MQ meibomian quality scored on a scale from 0 to 24, ME meibomian expressibility scored on a scale from 0 to 3.