Figure 4.
Identification of G-tract regions in AptD2 involved in G-quadruplex formation by the G-to-A scanning method. (A) Presumed secondary structure of the 63-mer AptD2-1. In the series of aptamer variants, AptD2-1a through AptD2-1g, a G base in each G-tract region is replaced with A. (B) EMSA of the aptamer complex formation with DEN2-NS1 (50 nM as the hexamer form) using each AptD2-1 variant (50 nM). (C) UV spectra difference of each AptD2-1 variant at 15°C. (D) UV melting profiles at 260 nm of AptD2-1 and its variants. (E) UV melting profiles at 295 nm of AptD2-1 and its variants.