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. 2020 Oct 27;113(4):360–370. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djaa166

Table 1.

Other teamwork models or conceptual frameworksa

Framework or model Framework contributions to literature
General teamwork and MTS frameworks
 Hackman (38) IPO framework Characterized team performance in terms of a series of inputs that lead to processes that, in turn, lead to outcomes
 Ilgen et al. (39) IMOI framework Advanced the IPO framework to incorporate inputs, mediators, outputs, and, in turn, new inputs. Emphasizes that a broader range of variables mediate the input-outcome relationship (eg, learning, conflict management, or processes for managing differences of opinion) and that team outcomes, in turn, serve as inputs of causal feedback for future team interactions and performance
 Marks et al. (40) Temporal taxonomy of team processes Advanced nuanced definition of team processes to better differentiate team process variables from team emergent state variables and presented a taxonomy of 10 critical team processes clustered into higher order temporal categories (transition processes, action processes, and interpersonal processes)
 Salas et al. (41) Big Five Argued for 5 core components of teamwork: team leadership, mutual performance monitoring, backup behavior, adaptability, and team orientation
 Zaccaro et al. (42) MTS framework Differentiates intrateam processes (ie, processes within a given team) from interteam processes (ie, processes unfolding across and connecting different teams). Also identified compositional, linkage, and development attributes that influence these processes and, in turn, system outcomes.
 Shuffler et al. (43) MTS effectiveness framework Input-mediator-output framework for MTSs synthesizing key factors contributing to MTS effectiveness based on review of extant literature
Health care delivery–focused teamwork and MTS frameworks
 Reader et al. (44) Team performance framework for the ICU Based on prior IPO teamwork frameworks, this framework identifies input characteristics (of the team, task, and team leader), teamwork processes (communication, leadership, coordination, decision making), and outcomes (patient outcomes, team outcomes) relevant to ICU care teams.
 Flin et al. (45) Anesthetists’ nontechnical skills framework Advanced 4 categories of teamwork processes (task management, team working, situation awareness, and decision making) and related behavioral markers that could be rated by trained observers during cases
 Lemieux-Charles et al. (46) Health-care team effectiveness framework Framework suggests task type, task features, and team composition directly affect team processes and team psychosocial traits with team effectiveness being the ultimate output
 Weaver et al. (18) Care coordination framework Differentiates the strategies used to coordinate care within and between care teams from the teamwork-oriented behaviors underlying coordinated activity and related outcomes

IMOI = input-mediator-outcome-input; IPO = input-process-outcome; MTS = multiteam system.