Fig. 1. Genomic intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) and clonal architecture of limited-stage small-cell lung cancers (LS-SCLCs).
a Phylogenetic trees of 18 limited-stage SCLC tumors (LS-SCLCs) with multi-region whole-exome sequencing (WES). Blue, brown and red lines represent trunk, branch, and private mutations, respectively. The length of trunk (blue), branch (brown), and private branch (red) is proportional to the numbers of mutations shared by 3, 2, or 1 tumor regions. The total number of mutations is listed above the phylogenetic tree of each tumor. TP53 and RB1 mutations are mapped to the phylogenetic trees as indicated. b Global clonal architecture of SCLC at tumor level. PyClone was run on merged bam files from different regions of the same tumors. Mutations were classified as clonal (present in the cluster with the highest cellular prevalence, blue) or subclonal (orange) in each tumor. The total number of mutations in each tumor is listed on the top of each bar. Note: the numbers of mutations in each tumor are less than those in phylogenetic analysis as the clonal status of some mutations could not be inferred by PyClone. Patient ID: purple = alive; green = deceased. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.