Network dynamics in PSP vs controls. (A) and (D) Mean activation maps for the 8 inferred brain states from hidden Markov modelling for the two cohorts. (B) and (E) Altered fractional occupancy rates in PSP for the two cohorts. Results are shown both by differences in states computed within a general linear model with a single permutation test and family-wise error correction, and in a principal component analysis of fractional occupancy rates. In both cohorts, participants with PSP spent less time in states with subcortical and posterior activation, and more time in frontoparietal states. Colours of state names indicate direction of principal component loading, and font size scales with their magnitude. (C) and (F) The component that differed between PSP and controls correlated with PSP rating scale among patients (CCPP r=-0.6, p=0.02; PROSPECT r=-0.52, p=0.002).