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. 2021 Nov 18;20:92. doi: 10.1186/s12937-021-00751-z

Table 1.

Characteristics of Participants (children: n = 2227 in May; guardians: n = 2085 in May)

Variable n (%) or mean, SD First group (n = 1088)a Second group (n = 1139)a P valueb
Total (n = 2227)
Children Sex Boy 1091 (49.0) 543 (49.9) 548 (48.1) 0.40
Girl 1136 (51.0) 545 (50.1) 591 (51.9)
Grade 5th Grader (10–11 y/o) 1115 (50.1) 554 (50.9) 561 (49.3) 0.43
6th Grader (11–12 y/o) 1112 (49.9) 534 (49.1) 578 (50.8)
NK score (%)c mean, SD May n = 2227 69.7, 13.1 70.7, 13.8 68.7, 12.3 < 0.001
October n = 2196 75.2, 13.8 80.7, 12.8 70.0, 12.7 < 0.001
February n = 2147 78.4, 12.2 78.9, 12.2 77.9, 12.3 0.054
Difference b/w O and M n = 2196 5.5, 13.4 9.9, 14.1 1.3, 11.1 < 0.001
Difference b/w F and O n = 2128 3.1, 12.2 −1.7, 11.5 7.8, 10.9 < 0.001
Being careful about what you eat is beneficial for youd
Yes in May n = 2227 1782 (80.0) 868 (79.8) 914 (80.3) 0.78
Yes in October n = 2189 1875 (85.7) 928 (87.0) 947 (84.4) 0.09
Yes in February n = 2138 1906 (89.2) 937 (89.3) 969 (89.0) 0.80
Being careful about what you eat earns you esteem from those around youd
Yes in May n = 2227 713 (32.0) 341 (31.3) 372 (32.7) 0.51
Yes in October n = 2189 651 (29.7) 329 (30.8) 322 (28.7) 0.27
Yes in February n = 2138 713 (33.4) 319 (30.4) 394 (36.2) 0.005
Being careful about what you eat places a burden on youd
Yes in May n = 2227 550 (24.7) 282 (25.9) 268 (23.5) 0.19
Yes in October n = 2188 555 (25.4) 270 (25.3) 285 (25.4) 0.95
Yes in February n = 2138 539 (25.2) 275 (26.2) 264 (24.2) 0.29
You discuss meals, food, nutrition, etc. with your guardiansd
Yes in May n = 2227 895 (40.2) 406 (37.3) 489 (42.9) 0.007
Yes in October n = 2192 994 (45.4) 507 (47.5) 487 (43.3) 0.051
Yes in February n = 2138 1055 (49.4) 505 (48.1) 550 (50.5) 0.27
Guardians Total (n = 2085)e First group (n = 1023)e Second group (n = 1062)e
Relationship Mother 1910 (91.6) 936 (91.5) 974 (91.7) 0.95
Father 122 (5.9) 59 (5.8) 63 (5.9)
Grandmother 13 (0.6) 7 (0.7) 6 (0.6)
Other 40 (1.9) 21 (2.1) 19 (1.8)
Age (y/o) mean, SD 41.5, 5.5 42.0, 5.5 41.1, 5.4 < 0.001
Subjective SES Poor 645 (31.4) 301 (29.9) 344 (32.8) 0.049
Average 1157 (56.3) 564 (56.1) 593 (56.5)
Affluent 253 (12.3) 141 (14.0) 112 (10.7)
NK score (%)c mean, SD May n = 2085 68.2, 15.4 69.6, 14.9 66.8, 15.8 < 0.001
October n = 1892 70.2, 14.7 71.6, 14.3 68.8, 15.0 < 0.001
February n = 1768 71.6, 14.0 72.9, 13.6 70.4, 14.3 < 0.001
Difference b/w O and M n = 1792 1.8, 10.4 1.9, 10.1 1.8, 10.6 0.72
Difference b/w F and O n = 1611 1.0, 9.7 0.7, 9.7 1.3, 9.6 0.24
Being careful about what you eat is beneficial for youd
Yes in May n = 2066 1943 (94.1) 957 (94.2) 986 (93.9) 0.78
Yes in October n = 1865 1742 (93.4) 858 (94.7) 884 (92.2) 0.03
Yes in February n = 1754 1667 (95.0) 811 (95.1) 856 (95.0) 0.95
Being careful about what you eat earns you esteem from those around youd
Yes in May n = 2059 871 (42.3) 435 (42.9) 436 (41.7) 0.56
Yes in October n = 1864 772 (41.4) 380 (42.0) 392 (40.9) 0.63
Yes in February n = 1748 798 (45.7) 401 (47.1) 397 (44.3) 0.23
Being careful about what you eat places a burden on youd
Yes in May n = 2062 875 (42.4) 429 (42.3) 446 (42.6) 0.91
Yes in October n = 1866 758 (40.6) 361 (39.9) 397 (41.4) 0.51
Yes in February n = 1753 713 (40.7) 351 (41.2) 362 (40.2) 0.69
You discuss meals, food, nutrition, etc. with your childd
Yes in May n = 2052 1400 (68.2) 682 (67.9) 718 (68.6) 0.73
Yes in October n = 1868 1353 (72.4) 680 (75.1) 673 (70.0) 0.01
Yes in February n = 1754 1303 (74.3) 639 (74.9) 664 (73.7) 0.56
My current dietary habits are firmly fixed, so changing them is difficultd
Yes in May n = 2064 814 (39.4) 375 (37.0) 439 (41.9) 0.02
My dietary habits are healthy, so there’s no need to change themd
Yes in May n = 2063 393 (19.1) 189 (18.6) 204 (19.5) 0.63

b/w Between, F February, M May, NK score Nutrition knowledge score, O October, SES Socioeconomic status, y/o Years old

a First group means the participant group which received the nutrition education program from June to September. Second group means those who received it from November to January

b Comparison of characteristics between the First and Second groups was performed using the t test for continuous variables and χ2 test for categorical variables

c NK score is the percentage (%) of correct answers (regarded as nutrition knowledge level) in the nutrition knowledge questionnaires

d Percentage who answered ‘Yes’ for the question was calculated. As shown, the total number of responders (i.e. denominator of the calculation) differed by timing of the survey (May, October, and February)

e The numbers shown here includes guardians of 2227 children with information about the relationship with their children (mother, father, grandmother, or others) and NK score