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. 2020 Jun 18;44(5):583–605. doi: 10.1093/femsre/fuaa024

Table 2.

Chlamydial disease prevalence reported between 2012 and 2019 in Australian koalas.

State Region No. Koalas No. chlamydial disease (%) Reference Notes
QLD Brisbane 62 44 (71%) Palmieri et al. 2019 Males only, Moggill Koala Hospital
Moreton Bay 160 44 (28%) Nyari et al. 2017
SEQLD 250 65 (29%) Hulse et al. 2019 Males only
SEQLD 20250** 21619 (52%) Gonzalez-Astudillo et al. 2017 Moggill Koala Hospital records from 1997–2013
SEQLD 519 304 (59%) Gonzalez-Astudillo et al. 2019 Moggill Koala Hospital, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Hospital, and Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital, records from 2013–2016
NSW Port Macquarie 3781*** 771 (20%) Griffith et al. 2013 Port Macquarie koala hospital records 1975–2004
VIC French Island 64 28 (44%) Patterson et al. 2015 Disease was observed wet bottom
Mt Eccles national park 120 46 (38%) Patterson et al. 2015 Disease was observed wet bottom
Raymond Island 104 45 (44%) Patterson et al. 2015 Disease was observed wet bottom
SA Adelaide 85 10 (12%) Speight et al. 2018 Survey of deceased koalas at Veterinary School
Kangaroo Island 170 0 (0%) Fabijan et al. 2019a 12 koalas (7%) had ocular clinical scores of 1 (very mild)
Mount Lofty 75 3 (4%) Fabijan et al. 2019a All three cases were severe disease
Mount Lofty (+ Eyre Peninsula) 65 41 (63%) Speight et al. 2016

**41 606 aetiologies determined from 20 250 koalas from Moggill koala hospital records from 1997 to 2013, with Chlamydia infection being the most common; ***Port Macquarie koala hospital records 1975–2004, with chlamydiosis being the second most common aetiology.