Figure 4.
Artificial T cell stimulating matrix hydrogels provide effective stimulation to human CD8+ T cells. A) CD8+ T cell fold expansion measured after 7 d of stimulation by aTM with Signals 1 + 2 (anti-CD3 and anti-CD28) conjugated at varying amounts, n = 3 independent donors. B) Phenotype of CD8+ T cells after culture on aTM surfaces of varying Signals 1 + 2 amounts defined by CD45RA and CD62L (error bars show s.e.m). C) CFSE proliferation dye dilution measured after 3 d of stimulation of CD8+ T cells comparing a stiff (3 kPa) and soft (0.5 kPa) aTM, n = 3 independent donors. D) CD8+ T cell fold expansion measured after 7 d of stimulation on aTMs with varying stiffness (error bars show s.e.m.; **p < 0.01, n = 3 independent donors, one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post-test comparing to 3 kPa condition). E) Phenotype of CD8+ T cells after culture on aTM surfaces of varying stiffness defined by CD45RA and CD62L (error bars show s.e.m; n = 3 independent donors).