Extended Data Fig. 1 ∣. PLCs show appreciable ACE2 expression level.
a, RT-qPCR shows elevated ACE2 mRNA expression in PLCs. GAPDH: reference control, Hela-ACE2 stable cell line used as positive control, Hela cells used as negative control. n = 12 includes 3 independent biological replicates and 4 technical replicates for each biological replicate. Two tailed t-test was used to calculate significance followed by a Sidak multiple-comparison test correction. **** p < 0.00001, p = 0.00000323 for Hela-ACE2 vs. Hela, p = 0.00000098 for PLCs vs. Hela, and p = 0.00000179 for PCCOs-div74 vs. Hela. Cortical organoids (COs) were harvested at days in vitro (DIV) 60 and 126, PCCOs were harvested at DIV 74 for RNA extraction and qPCR. b-c, Western Blot shows ACE2 expression level in PLCs. β-actin used as loading control. Overexpression of ACE2 in HEK293T cells was used for validation. c, Hela cells used as negative control. Arrows: ACE2 band. n = 6 includes three biological replicates (three different cell cultures) and two technical replicates. d, Immunostaining shows ACE2 expression in PLCs. PLCs immunostained for ACE2, shown in red. PLCs labeled with GFP in green, blue: DAPI, bar: 20 μm. Confocal xz/yz projections used to show colocalization. n = 9 includes three biological replicates (three independent PLCs cultures) and three technical replicates.