Extended Data Fig. 4 ∣. PCCOs exhibit increase in CTIP2+ deeper cortical layer neurons.
a, Immunostaining shows CTIP2 expression in cortical organoids (COs) and PCCOs (div74). Organoids were harvested for immunostaining against anti-CTIP2, shown in red. PLCs labeled with GFP in green, blue: DAPI, bar: 400 μm. b, Quantification of CTIP2+ cells in a. n = 12 includes 3 independent biological replicates from different COs/PCCOs and 4 different image regions from at least 3 different section regions in a. Two tailed t-test was used to determine the significance followed by a Sidak multiple-comparison test correction. **** p < 0.0001, p = 0.00000031 for iPSC-Line2 and p = 0.00000069 for iPSC-Line3. In a, COs and PCCOs were generated from the iPSC-Line2 and iPSC-Line3 respectively, GFP-PLCs were derived from H9 cells for both panels.