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. 2021 Nov 18;16(11):e0257559. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257559

Table 2. Applicant and application characteristics of first-time R01 applicants, unadjusted covariates (2000–2014).

Priority scores and percentiles on original R01 application No priority scores and percentiles on original R01 application
Resubmitted original R01 application Submitted new NIHa application Resubmitted original R01 application Submitted new NIH application
Sample size N (%) 3891 (81.2) 898 (18.8) 2885 (41.1) 4134 (58.9)
Applicant characteristics b
Race/ethnicity (%)
Underrepresented minority (URM) 417 (10.7) 86 (9.6) 330 (11.4) 478 (11.6)
    Non-Hispanic Asian 945 (24.3) 215 (23.9) 727 (25.2) 1117 (27.0)
    Non-Hispanic white 2529 (65.0) 597 (66.5) 1828 (63.4) 2539 (61.4)
Women (%) 1361 (35.0) 312 (34.7) 1025 (35.5) 1503 (36.4)
Age 40.2 (4.6) 40.4 (4.6) 40.7 (4.7) 41.4 (5.1)
Degree type (%)
    MD 860 (22.1) 225 (25.1) 562 (19.5) 955 (23.1)
    MD/PhD 614 (15.8) 157 (17.5) 450 (15.6) 609 (14.7)
    PhD 2417 (62.1) 516 (57.5) 1873 (64.9) 2570 (62.2)
Prior NIH K awardee (%) 909 (23.4) 178 (19.8) 654 (22.7) 690 (16.7)
Cumulative non-R01 NIH funding $132,590 ($302,359) $104,384 ($285,844) $73,964 ($202,589) $78,438 ($257,635)
Cumulative NIH peer review service 0.2 (0.7) 0.2 (0.9) 0.1 (0.6) 0.2 (0.7)
Cumulative number of publications 5.5 (25.6) 4.4 (21.1) 4.1 (28.8) 3.3 (15.8)
Academic rank, assistant professor 3587 (92.2) 804 (89.5) 2646 (91.7) 3739 (90.4)
Tenure track status
    Tenure track 2165 (55.6) 434 (48.3) 1498 (51.9) 1780 (43.1)
    Not on tenure track 1460 (37.5) 393 (43.8) 1197 (41.5) 2010 (48.6)
    Tenure track missing 266 (6.8) 71 (7.9) 190 (6.6) 344 (8.3)
Appointment subunit
    Internal medicine 995 (25.6) 255 (28.4) 618 (21.4) 1000 (24.2)
    Pediatrics 309 (7.9) 76 (8.5) 218 (7.6) 343 (8.3)
    Psychiatry 297 (7.6) 53 (5.9) 239 (8.3) 309 (7.5)
    Other 2290 (58.9) 514 (57.2) 1810 (62.7) 2482 (60.0)
Institutional NIH funding tier, high (%) 3478 (89.4) 781 (87.0) 2507 (86.9) 3531 (85.4)
Application characteristics
Percentile rank (%)
    [5.6, 33.2) 1107 (28.5) 91 (10.1) NA NA
    [33.2, 42.1) 1075 (27.6) 141 (15.7) NA NA
    [42.1, 50.1) 898 (23.1) 285 (31.7) NA NA
    [50.1, 93.0] 811 (20.8) 381 (42.4) NA NA
Priority score (%)c
    [20,39) 450 (11.6) 42 (4.7) NA NA
    [39,46) 455 (11.7) 79 (8.8) NA NA
    [46,52) 320 (8.2) 129 (14.4) NA NA
    [52,84] 274 (7.0) 208 (23.2) NA NA
    [131,204) 665 (17.1) 45 (5.0) NA NA
    [204,231) 644 (16.6) 74 (8.2) NA NA
    [231,259) 585 (15.0) 125 (13.9) NA NA
    [259,480] 498 (12.8) 196 (21.8) NA NA
Early stage investigator (ESI) (%) 1117 (28.7) 316 (35.2) 496 (17.2) 1118 (27.0)
Fiscal year 2007.3 (4.2) 2007.8 (4.7) 2006.7 (3.6) 2007.7 (4.2)
Success rate of application admin IC 19.0 (4.6) 18.6 (5.1) 19.67 (4.3) 18.45 (4.8)
Solicited application (%) 1053 (27.1) 233 (25.9) 860 (29.8) 1011 (24.5)
Multiple principal investigators (%) 105 (2.7) 33 (3.7) 58 (2.0) 228 (5.5)
Application included human subjects (%) 1567 (40.3) 394 (43.9) 1022 (35.4) 1768 (42.8)
Application included animal subjects (%) 2131 (54.8) 445 (49.6) 1630 (56.5) 2139 (51.7)

a Abbreviations: Appl., Application. IC, NIH Institute/Center. Cumul., Cumulative. SD, Standard Deviation. NIH, National Institutes of Health. NA, Not Applicable. Admin, Administrative.

b Means and standard deviations are reported unless otherwise indicated. Column percentages are reported. Cumulative non-R01 funding includes smaller NIH research project grants such as R03 and R21 awards.

c NIH scoring system for priority scores changed in 2009 (old system: Priority scores <100, new system: Priority scores >100). Of discussed, original, unfunded R01 applications, 39% (N = 1,499) of the resubmitted R01 applications and 51% (N = 458) of the new, submitted NIH applications were reviewed with the new scoring system.