Table 9. A summary of evoked surface EMG data collection, recording and signal processing.
EMG recording and signal processing for studies carrying out neurophysiological assessments.
Study | Muscles [Preparation Described] | Recording Device [Sampling Frequency] | Filter Passband [Stim artefact filtering] | Rectification | Cycle averaging | Amplitude Normalization | Output Presented |
Dy et al., 2010 [14] | Sol, MG, TA, med hams, VL | Hard wired A/D board and customized labVIEW software | 20-1000Hz for resting and standing | P2P amplitude for resting standing. Full wave rectified and peak for stepping. | 12 MMR responses | Mean MMR for each muscle was normalized to sol responses as stim electrode placement was determined by optimization of sol response | Quantitative comparison between NI and SCI for MMR resting and standing, and phase-dependant MMR during stepping |
[✓] | [200Hz] | 40-500Hz for stepping | |||||
[✓] | |||||||
Emeliannikov et al., 2016 [15] | RF, BF, TA, and LG | Viasys Viking Select | - | P2P amplitude | - | - | Comparison of MMR, H-Reflex and M-Wave at rest. |
[✗] | [NS] | [✗] | |||||
Hofstoetter et al., 2018 [16] | RF, BF, TA and TS | DasyLab 11.0 | 1. 10-500Hz | P2P amplitude | - | - | Quantitative comparison of 1st and 2nd MMR amplitude for TSS and ESS. Onset offset and duration of 1st and 2nd MMR responses. Normalized response thresholds for TSS and ESS |
[✓] | Codas ADC system | 2. 30-700Hz with add. 500Hz low-pass | |||||
[2048 and 2002Hz] | [✓] | ||||||
Hofstoetter et al., 2019 [17] | RF, BF, TA and Sol | Phoenix multichannel EMG system | 10-1000Hz | P2P amplitude | 10 | Response amplitude of 2nd stimulus in each pair was normalized to the respective 1st for increasing inter-pulse interval (20-5000ms) | Quantitative comparison between NI and SCI for recovery of 2nd PRM as inter-pulse interval increased. |
[✓] | [2048Hz] | [✓] | |||||
Murray and Knikou, 2019 [20] | Sol, MG, PL, TA, med hams, lat ham, RF, and GRC | 1401 Plus System | 10-1000Hz | Full wave rectified AUC for each TEP response. | 15 | Responses at increasing intensities were normalized to the associated max response for recruitment curve. | Quantitative comparison of recruitment curve sigmoid parameters, PAD and HD, before and after 60min TSS. |
[✗] | [2000Hz] | [✗] | Responses at increasing frequency (0.1–1.0 Hz) normalized to response at 0.1Hz for HD. | ||||
Response amplitude of 2nd stimulus of a pair was normalized to the respective 1st for PAD | |||||||
Atkinson et al., 2020 [26] | RF, VL, med ham, TA, MG, Sol. | MA300 EMG System | - | P2P amplitude | 10 | Recruitment responses normalized to P2P amplitude at the maximum rate of recruitment (RRmax) within each muscle. CTI: 2nd stimulus in each pair was normalized to the respective 1st for increasing inter-pulse interval (40-160ms) | Quantitative comparison of interlimb conditioning between NI and SCI. |
[✗] | [5000Hz] | [✗] | |||||
Militskova et al., 2020 [25] | RF, med ham, TA, sol | Neuro MEP- (Neurosoft, Ivanovo, Russia) | - | - | 10 | - | Quantitative comparison of SEP latency, threshold and amplitude across (A) 3 stim sites, (B) lying supine vs. standing and (C) pre- post-rehab |
[✗] | [5000Hz] | [✗] | |||||
Wu et al., 2020 [23] | APB, ADM, FCR, BB | Customized LabVIEW software (National Instruments USB-6363) | 15-2000Hz | - | 10 | Response amplitude of 2nd stimulus of a pair was normalized to the respective 1st (PAD) | Quantitative comparison recruitment curves across stim configuration. Quantitative comparison of PAD across stim intensity between NI and SCI. |
[✗] | [5000Hz] | [✗] | |||||
Islam et al., 2021 [72] | Sol, MG, TA, PL [✓] | Data acquisition card (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA) [2000Hz] | 20–500 Hz [✗] | Full wave rectification, linear enveloping via 20Hz low pass filter. Average RMS for entire step cycle. | - | Maximal stepping EMG without stimulation | Quantitative comparison between stim off, stim on (pulse train or single pulses) and post stim of RMS EMG amplitude, mean power frequency, inter/intra limb coordination and h-reflex modulation during stepping in individuals with and without SCI |
P2P amplitude for h-reflex | M-wave for h-reflex |
Abbreviations: ADM; abductor digiti minimi, APB; abductor pollicis brevis, BB; biceps brachii, AUC; area under curve, BR; brachioradialis, CTI; conditioning-test interval, Delt; deltoid, DGO; ED; extensor digitorum, FCR; flexor carpi radialis, FD; flexor digitorum, GRC; gracilis, ham; hamstrings, HD; homosynaptic depression, lat ham; lateral hamstrings, LG; lateral gastrocnemius, med ham; medial hamstrings, MG; medial gastrocnemius, MMR; multisegmental monosynaptic response, P2P; peak-to-peak, PAD; post-activation depression, PL; peroneus longus, Q; quadriceps, RA; rectus abdominis, RF; rectus femoris, RMS; root mean square, Sol; soleus, SEP; spinally evoked potential, TA; Tibialis Anterior, TB; triceps brachii, TFL; tensor fascia lata, TP; tibialis posterior, TS; triceps surae/calf, VL; vastus lateralis.
*Preparation described refers to a clear description of preparation of the skin before surface electrode application, recording electrode type, orientation, shape and composition as well as interelectrode distance.
†Artifact filtering refers to an attempt made by the authors to account for and remove artifacts contaminating or obscuring the recorded EMG signals such as with the use of a filter.