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. 2021 Nov 8;15(11):e0009903. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009903

Table 2. Efficacy and effectiveness indicators.

Efficacy and effectiveness indicators n N % (95% CI)
Hospitalization period
Number of patients (ITT population) 629 629 100
In-hospital fatalities 10 629 1.6
Discharged alive (primary endpoint) 619 629 98.4 (97.1–99.1)
Follow-up period
Fatalities 18 629 2.8
Relapses (confirmed and probable relapses1) 8 629 1.3
At 24 months
Clinical cure at 24 months (effectiveness, secondary endpoint)
    mITT population 577 613 94.1 (91.8–95.7)
    PP2 population 525 561 93.6 (91.0–95.3)
Sensitivity analysis
    ITT CLTFU considered as cured 593 629 94.3 (92.0–95.8)
    ITT CLTFU considered as failures 577 629 91.7 (89.3–93.8)
Probability of cure per subpopulation of interest
Overall, mITT population 577 613 93.9 (91.6–95.6)
Children 0–11 years 93 99 93.1 (85.0–96.9)
Pregnant or breastfeeding women 46 47 97.9 (85.8–99.7)
Other patients 438 467 93.6 (91.0–95.5)
Previous HAT history
    Within 2 years2 77 82 93.3 (84.5–97.2)
Probability of cure per site
Kasai Oriental Province
    Dipumba 129 138 93.2 (87.2–96.4)
    Katanda 121 132 91.4 (85.0–95.2)
    Ngandajika 84 89 94.2 (86.5–97.5)
Bandundu Province
    Bandundu 94 98 95.9 (89.4–98.4)
    Kwamouth 94 97 96.9 (90.7–99.0)
    Yasa Bonga 55 59 93.2 (82.9–97.4)

Abbreviations: ITT, intention to treat; mITT, modified intention to treat; CLTFU, completely lost to follow up.

1confirmed relapses (patients with detected trypanosomes in any body fluid), probable relapses (patients with no evidence of trypanosomes but >20 WBC/mm3 in CSF or clinical evidence).

2Previous HAT history within 2 years, can be considered as previous treatment failure.