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. 2021 Nov 3;11(22):16214–16227. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8302


Mean distance of the drone from birds

No. Species Mean distance Mean dist. of reaction #0 Mean dist. of reaction #1 Mean dist. of reaction #2 Mean dist. of reaction #3 Mean dist. of reaction #4 Mean dist. of reaction #5
1 Cygnus olor 13 13 NA NA NA NA NA
2 Cygnus cygnus 18 12 8 NA 28 43 NA
3 Anser albifrons 44 35 NA NA NA 49 NA
4 Anser fabalis/serrirostris a 32 23 30 NA NA 41 NA
5 Anser anser 26 15 13 NA 29 44 NA
6 Anas platyrhynchos 16 11 13 NA 30 43 NA
7 Anas acuta 15 NA 15 NA NA NA NA
8 Anas crecca 15 NA NA NA 15 NA NA
9 Mareca penelope 15 NA 15 NA NA NA NA
10 Mareca strepera 10 11 10 NA NA NA NA
11 Aythya ferina 31 35 26 NA NA NA NA
12 Aythya marila 23 32 19 24 NA 20 NA
13 Aythya fuligula 25 30 20 25 NA 29 NA
14 Melanitta nigra 31 35 25 NA NA NA NA
15 Clangula hyemalis 30 35 25 NA NA NA NA
16 Bucephala clangula 24 33 24 23 20 21 NA
17 Mergus merganser 20 25 18 18 NA NA NA
18 Mergus serrator 35 NA 35 NA NA NA NA
19 Podiceps cristatus 14 14 NA NA NA NA NA
20 Phalacrocorax carbo 14 11 20 NA 13 NA NA
21 Ardea cinerea 29 32 NA NA 26 NA NA
22 Ardea alba 25 NA NA NA 25 NA NA
23 Fulica atra 14 10 30 NA NA NA NA
24 Grus grus 25 10 20 NA 25 50 NA
25 Chroicocephalus ridibundus 15 12 NA NA 40 NA NA
26 Larus canus 13 13 NA NA NA NA NA
27 Ichthyaetus melanocephalus 15 15 NA NA NA NA NA
28 Larus argentatus sensu lato b 9 9 10 NA 10 NA NA
29 Larus marinus 15 13 20 NA NA NA NA
30 Sternula albifrons 15 15 NA NA NA NA NA
31 Sterna hirundo 13 13 15 NA 10 NA NA
32 Chlidonias niger 24 15 NA NA 25 NA 37
33 Chlidonias hybrida 9 9 NA NA NA NA NA

The mean distances of the initial reaction to the drone approach and type of reaction. Type of reaction – a bird: #1 – moved slowly away; #2 – dived; #3 – was flushed over a short distance but remained in the sample plot, or quickly returned; #4 – was scared away, exhibited a panic reaction, left the sample plot, and did not return; #5 – attacked the drone; #0 – displayed no reaction; NA – no reaction of any type was recorded.


Bean Goose complex (two species Tundra and Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis/serrirostris).


The group of closely related large gulls in the study area is Herring Gull Larus argentatus and Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans.