a Timeline of DSS treatment. b Representative colonic images from DSS-treated animals. Graph shows colon length, and blood in stool and/or colonic cavity at D7 in (c). n = 14 from five independent experiments. d Histology-based blind scoring of DSS-derived injury in the colon. n = 14. e Images of H&E staining of the distal colon. Scale 500 µm; 100 µm in magnified. f Graph represents damaged mucosa as % of total length. n = 12. g Images of DSS-treated distal colon stained for Ki67 (Green), SMA (Red) and DAPI (Blue). Scale 500 µm; 100 (left) and 50 (right) µm. h Graph shows % of Ki67+ cells in mucosa, normalized to total mucosal cell number. n = 7 mice in KO CN and WT DSS and eight mice per genotype in the rest. i Representative images of DSS-treated distal colon stained for YAP (green), β-Cat (red), and DAPI (blue). Scale = 1 mm (tile scan), 100 and 50 µm (insets). n = 3. j. Representative images of H&E sections of small intestine 3 and 6 days after 10 Gy irradiation. Scale 100 µm. n = 7 WT, 8 KO analyzed from two independent experiments at Day 3 and n = 5 from Day 6. k Graph shows quantification of crypts/100 µm on Day3 and Day6 post irradiation. n = 8 WT, 10 KO at Day 3, and n = 5 at Day 6. l Blind scored injury level in irradiated mice. n = 8 WT, 10 KO (Day3) and n = 5 (Day 6). Numerical data in (b), (f), (h), and (k) are represented as means ± SD. Data in (b), (f) and (k) were tested by unpaired t-test (two-tailed) with p = 0.0127 in (b), p < 0.0001 in (f) and p = 0.0033 in (k). Data in (c) was analyzed by Fisher’s exact test (One-tailed, p = 0.0007) and d and l were analyzed by Mann–Whitney test (two-sided) (p = 0.0030 in (d), p = 0.0078 and p = 0.0434 in day 3 and 6 in (l), respectively). One-way ANOVA (F = ,10.01; p = 0.0009), was applied in (h), followed by Tukey’s Multiple Comparison test (−/−CN vs −/−DSS **p < 0.01; +/+DSS vs −/−DSS ***p < 0.001). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.