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. 2021 Nov 11;23(12):1252–1260. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2021.11.003

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

The existence of Naïve TILs in AML patient BM samples correlates to their proliferation capabilities ex vivo (A–C) Representative phase-bright images showing different growth of CD3+ TILs; Scale bar: 100 µm; (D) Cumulative FACS percentage data of CCR7+CD95-TILs between No growth and Quick growth; (E) Representative FACS plots of TILs with no growth from Patient #12; Red arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- cells; (F) Representative FACS plots of TILs with no growth from Patient #11; Red arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- cells; Long red arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- CD62L+CD45RA+ cells; (G) Representative FACS plots of TILs with quick growth from Patient #14; Green arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- cells; (H) Representative FACS plots of TILs with quick growth from Patient #15; Green arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- cells; Long green arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- CD62L+CD45RA+ cells; (I) Representative FACS plot of TILs with slow growth from Patient #13; Brown arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- cells; (J) Representative FACS plot of TILs with quick growth from Patient #16; Green arrow indicates CCR7+CD95- cells; # indicates Patient No; Red X mark indicates no growth; Brown Star mark indicates slow growth; Green Star Mark indicates quick growth (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)