BAL obtained from non-COVID-19 and COVID-19 individuals denote a high concentration of inflammatory mediators released by opening Panx-1 channels
BAL was obtained from individuals with COPD, n = 30 for the non-COVID-19 conditions (COVID-19(−)) or with mild/acute COVID-19 (COVID-19 (+)), n = 30. BAL was inactivated using temperature (65°C for 30 min), and ELISA for (A) ATP, (B) PGE2, and (C) IL1β was performed according to the manufactured instructions. BAL from COVID-19 individuals had higher amounts of these mediators as compared with non-COVID-19 individuals. ATP, p = 0.0064 compared with COVID-19(−); PGE2, p = 0.0014 compared with COVID-19(−) and IL-1β, p = 0.0031 compared with COVID-19(−), n = 30.