Table 1.
Questions completed by participants after watching each play excerpt.
A. Identification (based on Tal-Or and Cohen, 2010): |
1. I think I understand [name of character] well |
2. I understood the events in the scene the way [name of character] understood them |
3. While viewing, I felt like [name of character] felt |
4. While watching, I could really ‘get inside’ [name of character]‘s head |
5. I tend to understand why [name of character] did what [he/she] did |
B. Moral approval: |
6. I approve of [name of character]‘s behaviour |
C. Attribution (from the IPSAQ scale of Kinderman and Bentall, 1996): |
Would you say [name of character] behaved this way because this was: |
7. Something about [name of character]? |
8. Something about the other characters? |
9. Something about the situation (circumstances or chance)? |
All answers were on a Likert scale (1=strongly disagree; 7=strongly agree). Question 6 (Moral Approval) was converted to a scale of−3 (strongly disapprove) to+3 (strongly approve), centred on 0 (neither approve nor disapprove) so as to make the analyses more intuitive.