(A-B) Venn diagrams showing numbers of peaks with similar or different enrichment for the histone marks H3K27ac and H3K4me3 in myonuclei. (C) ChIP-Seq profiles of the myo-specific H3K4me3 and H3K27ac enrichment at the genomic loci containing the genes coding for the contractile proteins defining the muscle types: the main myosin types at the MyHC locus at chromosome 11 (Myh1,-2,-4) coding for the fast isoforms as well as the embryonically expressed Myh3 and the non-coding RNA Linc-Myh, the slow Myh7 gene at chromosome 14, and the Troponin genes, the slow Tnnt1 and the fast Tnnt3 at chromosome 7. (D) Relative H3K27ac enrichment for peaks overlapping the promoter regions for the four-principle myosin heavy chains (Myh1,-2,-4 and -7) and protein level for the corresponding proteins assessed by immunohistochemistry (MyHC1, MyHC-2A, -2B and -2X) from [72]. (E) Fold change differences in soleus/EDL in the H3K27ac enrichment in peaks overlapping the promoter region for the genes coding for phenotype defining contractile proteins. Gene names in black, protein names in grey. No significant difference in the enrichment for Mybpc1.