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. 2021 May 7;44(Suppl 1):S173–S184. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2021.1920787

Table 3.

Illustrative quotes for Theme 1 – comfort and technical aspects.

1 “The camera is ok but, the only problem was how to wear it, because one of my hands is not really working. So, with both my hands working well I don’t think there’s any problems but, my right hand is not really working so I need somebody else to help me to wear it” (ID 9)
2 “To me the biggest thing was the camera is too heavy. It wasn’t the size of the camera but, it was the weight. As I said, when you moved your head and you could feel this weight that wants to keep going, you know?” (ID 11)
3 “After doing two sessions, then I feel like uncomfortable. It’s too much, like, it’s a little hard in the head. When will the one hour be over? This feeling and, uh, the heaviness of the camera and, um, uncomfortableness. It put pressure on my forehead” (ID 13)
4 “Ok. I would say one of the big ones it would be- just because it’s just recording hand functions. I found it really inhibitive the sound on the GoPro, because I was always more conscious of the sound than I was of the video” (ID 10)
5 “In terms of head mount it’s very effective in capturing that information but, I think, um, obviously with anything, the less intrusive and easier to wear or the less outwardly visible perhaps” (ID 4)
6 “If it was, um, more comfortable to wearable technology like glasses. Something that’s easy to put on and off. Something you could keep on for a long time that was, um, comfortable for long period of times and, um, you could switch on and off very easily” (ID 7)
7 “It would be nice if the batteries lasted longer too. Like, if it’s going to be an all-day set up kind of thing, it would be nice if the batteries either lasted longer or, were plugged into the chair or, something” (ID 10)