Figure 6:
A. Across DIAm fibers, the relationship between SDHmax per fiber volume and mitochondrial volume density identified two distinct clusters of fibers. In one group (type I and type IIa fibers), SDHmax per fiber volume and mitochondrial volume densities were higher, whereas in the second distinct group of type IIx/IIb fibers, SDHmax per fiber volume and mitochondrial volume densities were lower (p<0.0001, runs test). B. Across DIAm fibers, the relationship between SDHmax per mitochondrial volume and MCI also identified two distinct clusters of fibers. In the type I and type IIa DIAm fibers, SDHmax per mitochondrial volume and MCI were higher compared to values for type IIx/IIb fibers (p<0.0001, runs test). For each comparison n=15 fibers per type per animal (6 animals – 3 females and 3 males) with females indicated by grey shading.