Fig. 4. FOXP3+ cell and M1-like macrophage density is associated with better survival.
a–k Kaplan–Meier curves indicating patient overall survival. Patients were grouped based on median density of specific cell subtypes regardless of diagnosis, excluding benign leiomyomas. Median survival is indicated for each patient group. a–e Kaplan–Meier curves of patients grouped based on distinct T cell markers indicate FOXP3 as a marker of good prognosis. f Kaplan–Meier curves based on M1-like type macrophage density show CD68+ CD163- cells to be a marker of improved survival. g–j Kaplan–Meier curves based on distinct FOXP3+ cell populations classified according to their PD-1 expression, show that only PD-1-negative FOXP3+ cell infiltration is associated with good prognosis. k Kaplan–Meier curves indicating overall survival based on density of CD8-FOXP3-PD-1+ cells. l Kaplan–Meier curves showing overall survival based on CD8+FOXP3-/FOXP3+ ratio (CFR) including ESS and UUS cases (Low TILs group corresponds to CD8+FOXP3- and FOXP3+ density below the 40th percentile).