Extended Data Fig. 6. Activation of MeATac1∩Vgat neurons promotes affiliative allogrooming in males and females.
a, d, Probability of allogrooming toward stressed partners (fraction of trials showing allogrooming at different time points) with respect to stimulation onset in male (a) and female (d) ChR2 animals. b, c, e, f, Boxplots of duration (b, e) and onset latency (c, f) of allogrooming during photostimulations in male (b, c) and female (e, f) EYFP control and ChR2 animals. g, No significant difference in the duration of sniffing during photostimulations between EYFP control and ChR2 animals. Blue areas: duration of light illumination; time 0: stimulation onset. EYFP control males, n = 22 trials in 2 mice. ChR2 males, n = 58 trials in 4 mice. EYFP control females, n = 55 trials in 4 mice. ChR2 females, n = 115 trials in 4 mice. In g, trials from males and females are combined. Boxplots: median with quartiles, 1.5 × IQR and outliers. Two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test. ***P < 0.001. ns, not significant. For details of statistical analyses, see Supplementary Table 1.