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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2021 Oct 13;599(7884):262–267. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03962-w

Extended Data Fig. 4. MeA population activity encodes allogrooming and other behaviors during prosocial interaction.

Extended Data Fig. 4.

a, Projection of MeA population activity onto the first principal component (PC) overlaid with annotation of social interaction (including allogrooming and sniffing) in an example animal. b, Trial-averaged PC1 activity centered around onset of social interaction across all bouts from all sessions. c, Quantification of area under ROC curve (auROC) characterizing the relationship between PC1 activity and social interaction. d, Pairwise comparisons of the average within- and between-behavior class Euclidean distances (measured on the first 2 PCs within each session) for allogrooming vs. sniffing, allogrooming vs. self-grooming, and sniffing vs. self-grooming. e, Performance of three-way multi-class SVM decoders trained to predict allogrooming, sniffing, or self-grooming behavior. fh, Fraction of time that subjects show different types of behaviors (allogrooming, sniffing, or self-grooming) during the 3 s prior to the onsets of allogrooming (f), sniffing (g), and self-grooming events (h). i, Time-course of behavior decoder performance in discriminating between allogrooming and sniffing centered around onset of behavior. Shuffle control decoders are constructed using time-permuted calcium traces. Note that although a fraction of allogrooming events were preceded by sniffing events (f), the performance of the decoder remains at chance level prior to the onset of behavior (i), suggesting that neural activity during preceding sniffing events is not sufficient to decode allogrooming vs. sniffing. j, ROC curve quantifying performance of a binary decoder to predict whether an allogrooming bout is short (≤ 5s) or long (> 5s) using population activity centered around onset of allogrooming. k, Decoder performance in (j) compared with a null distribution constructed using time-permuted calcium traces. Whiskers indicate the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of null distribution. Dotted line: auROC from real data. ln, Fraction of time that subjects show allogrooming (l), sniffing (m), or self-grooming (n) during the 3 s prior to the onsets of long or short allogrooming events. Mean ± s.e.m. The ability to predict allogrooming bout duration using population activity is unlikely to be attributable to differences in behaviors preceding allogrooming as there is no difference in the distribution of different behaviors prior to allogrooming onset between the long and short bouts. b, i, Time 0 indicates behavior onset. b, fi, ln, mean ± s.e.m. Boxplots: median with quartiles, 1.5 × IQR and outliers. b, n = 7 independent imaging sessions (from 6 subject mice). c, n = 7 independent imaging sessions (from 6 subject mice) and 70 rounds of shuffling (10 rounds for each imaging session) for control group. Two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test. d, e, n = 7 independent imaging sessions (from 6 subject animals). Two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test. fh, n = 51, 292, 223 allogrooming (f), sniffing (g), and self-grooming (h) bouts, respectively (in 7 independent imaging sessions in 6 subject animals). k, permutation test (1000 rounds of permutation). ln, n = 51 short and 38 long allogrooming bouts (from 7 independent imaging sessions in 6 subject animals). Two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. ns, not significant. For details of statistical analyses, see Supplementary Table 1.