Fig. 2.
Outpatient visits 2015–2020 in different psychiatric diagnostic groups (weekly data). a) psychotic disorders (F20–29). b) depressive and anxiety disorders (F32, F33, F40–48, F93.0, F93.1, F93.2, F93.80, F93.9). c) ADHD and conduct disorders (F90, F91, F92). d) all other psychiatric diagnoses. The dots denote weekly data points, the fine line denotes the fitted line and the fine dashed line denotes the predicted counterfactual line based on the model (based on data from years 2015–2019). The thick line denotes the trend over time when controlling for seasonality, and the thick dotted line denotes the counterfactual prediction when controlling for seasonality, based on previous 5 years (2015–2019). X-axis shows the time from Jan, 1, 2015 to Dec, 31, 2020, ticks denote the start of each year. Y-axis shows the number of visits. NB. The scale of Y axes varies between figures